@YingboMa you and your collaborators have done good and noble work with this.
I’ve been working on half precision for a while and one of the pain points is that LAPACK/BLAS does not support Float16, even though Apple silicon does. I just tried RecursiveFactorizations and it’s a far better choice for lu
in half.
To my surprise the difference is still present on my 2019 Intel Mac. Open BLAS is doing better on the M2 MAC, but is still far from good.
While half is still 3-6x slower than double, it is far better than what I was getting with OpenBlas in Float16. I made no attempt to tune anything in RecursiveFactorization.
The backward error in the factorization seems to be better with RecursiveFactorization. The SIAM paper doesn’t say anything about that. My (limited) experiments with half precision moderately ill-conditioned matrices consistently look better with RF than with Open Blas.
Herewith a couple tables (code below). I compare LU factorizations of random NxN matrices in half (both Open Blas (OB) and RecursiveFactorization (RF) to each other and to an OB factorization in double precision. I also tabulate the ratios of the half precision factorization times to the double precision times (the last two columns).
MAC M2 Pro, 8 performance cores
N Double HalfOB HalfRF RatioOB RatioRF
1024 4.20e-03 1.28e-01 1.83e-02 3.05e+01 4.37e+00
2048 2.35e-02 1.03e+00 5.84e-02 4.40e+01 2.48e+00
4096 1.59e-01 8.10e+00 4.79e-01 5.09e+01 3.01e+00
8192 1.17e+00 6.44e+01 6.61e+00 5.52e+01 5.67e+00
Intel Core i9, 8 cores
N Double HalfOB HalfRF RatioOB RatioRF
1024 5.21e-03 7.37e-01 2.37e-02 1.41e+02 4.55e+00
2048 3.12e-02 6.10e+00 1.51e-01 1.95e+02 4.84e+00
4096 2.07e-01 4.75e+01 1.03e+00 2.29e+02 4.97e+00
8192 1.34e+00 3.78e+02 1.02e+01 2.82e+02 7.63e+00
My testing ran like this
using Random
using BenchmarkTools
using RecursiveFactorization
using LinearAlgebra
using Printf
julia> Half_Time_Show();
and used these functions
Compare LU for Blas (double, half) and RecursiveFactorization (half)
function Half_Time_Show(p = 4, T=Float16)
pv = collect(1:1:p)
ppv = 2 .^ pv
nv = 512 .* ppv
Time_LU = zeros(p, 6)
for p in pv
n = nv[p]
AD = rand(n, n)
AH = T.(AD)
# Time the factorizations
td = @belapsed lu($AD)
tob16 = @belapsed lu($AH)
trf16 = @belapsed rlu($AH)
# Rations of factorization time half/double
rtrf = trf16 / td
rtob = tob16 / td
Time_LU[p, :] = [n, td, tob16, trf16, rtob, rtrf]
return Time_LU
function repltab(TabMac)
headers = ["N", "Double", "HalfOB", "HalfRF", "RatioOB", "RatioRF"]
formats = "%d %7.2e %7.2e %7.2e %7.2e %7.2e \n"
fprintREPL(headers, formats, TabMac)
function fprintREPL(headers, formats, data)
printf(fmt::String, args...) = @eval @printf($fmt, $(args...))
(mr, mc) = size(data)
@printf("%s ", headers[1])
for i = 2:mc
@printf("%9s ", headers[i])
bigform = string(formats)
for i = 1:mr
printf(bigform, data[i, :]...)
# LU with RecursiveFactorization
function rlu!(C)
CF = RecursiveFactorization.lu!(C, Vector{Int}(undef, size(C, 2)))
return CF
function rlu(C)
B = copy(C)
CF = RecursiveFactorization.lu!(B, Vector{Int}(undef, size(B, 2)))
return CF