Io_uring support?

I’m currently experimenting with rust creating “glue” static analysis/bridge/compilers/abstract interpreters across some other langs (rust since it has a 2nd strong borrow checker that can just drop 1 bit refs and has ML-like semantics) = 2nd order substructural linear logics. This can do kripe-like *-semantics and can easily do webasm and webrtc (this basically poses the question in something like names of stuff are irrelevent for related generalized modern understanding computation, structure and compatibility laws do matter), everything else can be rectified into a linear space then transversed into a decoded abstraction of trees (or whatever computer eigen number problem). I can safely gradually type stuff in (say) type(script) some glue lang like a implicit (lua) (as an generalized assocative hash array) and then send buzz tones to say python or R. Julia sounds better to me because it has much cleaner numerical code and it is a similar more lisp-y lang. So supercomputing (exascale) and discrete logic microprocessoring code should theoretically be more power/energy/efficient with this type of constructive tissue.

Anyone tried to port any of the julia internals to io_ring?

Especially on very high perf or low memory compute or things that need to be safe by design (think software defined hardware) or general energy scavaging devices, let me know if anyone has worked on this problem in julia.

helped clarify the significance of io_uring for me.


That is a really good explanation of why io_uring is a breakthrough.

There is an effort to add io_uring support to libuv, which automatically gives Julia support for it. So we’ll wait for that to happen.


It appears libuv has now merged io_uring support!