Invitation to contribute - book

Hi everyone,

We are looking for someone that would like to contribute in writing about Julia as a Program for Model Output Visualization in our book: Introduction to Ocean Numerical Modeling. The idea is to give an overview of how Julia can be used to read model and data files and how to analyze model outputs and data. Interested can contact me by email at


We still looking for someone to write content about Julia in our book. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in this project.

In case you are not getting replies, the following may help:

  1. clarify who “we” or “our” refers to above — are you representing a publishing company? Which one?

  2. do you intend to pay for this, and if yes, how much?

  3. if not, will the book be available for free?


@paula.birocchi: I would also suggest you describe your book a bit more if it is at all possible. In particular, I am curious what type of visualization you those in your field might need for ocean numerical modeling.

To explain my point of view as a reader

I myself have developed tools to display/postprocess voltage-vs-time data generated by circuit simulators. This might be useful for ocean modelling if we are talking about visualizing 1D datasets (and multi-dimensional parametric analyses). On the other hand, I have this vague impression that your field probably deals more with 3D simulations. In that case, you might be looking for someone that knows more about 3D CAD model-like visualizations.

  1. When I said “we” I refer to me and the other co-editor. The book will be submitted to Elsevier.
  2. No payment included. It will be provided a DOI for the chapter.
  3. The book will not be available for free, but each author receives a online copy of the material.

Yes, we are looking for someone that deals with 3D model simulations.
We expect that the author cover these topics:

  • What is Julia?
  • How to install it.
  • How to visualize a data
  • Cite examples of use in a Tutorial.

The Tutorial will be about oceanographic data visualization :

  • Some topics that can be covered:

  • opening a model output

  • oceanographic convention to metereological convention and viceversa

  • adjust latitude and longitude (area and volume)

  • analyzing model results

  • visualization of in situ data (temperature, salinity, currents, etc);