Investigating large latency on a constrained Windows environment

Can you share the output of



I put your code, excluding the last line (I do not have the file TerminatedPostcodes.csv) in a file with the name init.jl.

Then I get:

julia> @time include("init.jl")
  4.588735 seconds (6.71 M allocations: 494.214 MiB, 13.74% gc time, 3.01% compilation time: 86% of which was recompilation)

Can you share the .csv file to see if it makes a difference?

Just for a test I used this file:

Running your code, including reading of the .csv file now takes about 30s.

But if I start Julia with julia --project -t auto the time goes down to 11.3 seconds.

If you always need to load this file, converting it to .arrow format once and then load the .arrow file each time can speed things up even more as explained here: Failing to import (relatively) large CSV file with Julia and VSC - #17 by ufechner7

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