My final suggestion:
First step: Convert the .csv file to .arrow format using the convert.jl script:
using CSV, Arrow
FILENAME_FULL = "20240110_120secMother_AllCountries_002_T-Results_2022_059_Markup001(full).csv"
OUT_FILE = "20240110_120secMother_AllCountries_002_T-Results_2022_059_Markup001(full).arrow"
Arrow.write(OUT_FILE, CSV.File(FILENAME_FULL; header=false, types=Float32))
Second step: Read the .arrow file and convert it to an array (if that is what you need):
using Arrow, Tables
IN_FILE = "20240110_120secMother_AllCountries_002_T-Results_2022_059_Markup001(full).arrow"
m = nothing
m = Tables.matrix(Arrow.Table(IN_FILE))
println("Size of matrix variable: $(Base.summarysize(m)/1e9) GB")
The first script needs 45 seconds on my PC (Ryzen 7950X), the second script 4.5s.
@rocco_sprmnt21 used a matrix of 40000x4000 elements, we have:
julia> m
39360×39360 Matrix{Float32}
which is ten times as large…