Investigating large latency on a constrained Windows environment

OK, I tried this.

First run: Antimalware Service Executable takes top spot, at about 7% CPU, as the using and import commands are run. After 5 mins, julia takes top spot and starts the task at hand (~20% CPU).

Second run: Antimalware Service Executable takes top spot, at about 7% CPU, as the using and import commands are run. After a few seconds, julia takes top spot and starts the task at hand (~20% CPU).

No obvious difference except duration. I’m not convinced this is the culprit.

I do wonder if there could be any value in a quick guide to β€œrunning Julia through WSL” for people than only want to run julia and don’t have an existing background with Linux. It should be pretty trivial.

If the Antimalware spends five minutes doing something and Julia has five minutes latency, it seems likely to me that it’s somehow doing something that block’s Julia’s access to the filesystem during that time.

Anyhow, the only way to know is if you can get the Antimalware temporarily suspended or replicate on a machine which is otherwise identical and doesn’t have the Antimalware.

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Well, I did try it out on my setup. If anything, my setup is less powerful than his. Takes no more than 10-20 seconds. I had uninstalled the antivirus software long ago. My startup is pretty clean with almost nothing running in the background.

I don’t think it is the Antimalware that is hanging the Julia processes for 5 minutes, but it would be interesting to see what happens when the anivirus is suspended and see what the @time_imports reports, as sugested in The Problem with Julia that makes me want to leave - First run Times - #57 by zot

Unfortunately, this setting is locked by IT.

Would it be possible to have IT β€œwhitelist” the Julia application for your antivirus program?

IT are not in favour of julia and don’t understand how I got approval for it. They don’t like open source per se. The more support I ask them for, the more likely it will be that I’ll lose julia altogether!

What is up with this percentage?

The compilation seems to be a small fraction in the other lines, so I’d be interested in what’s contributing to the long import times. Just lots of precompiled code to load?

I did look it up the other day. This is the compilation time + execution time against only the execution time or something along those lines, as far as I understood.

Here’s the line the docs link to: print(io, Ryu.writefixed(Float64(100*compile_time/elapsedtime), 2), "% compilation time"). I would assume compile_time <= elapsedtime.

@mkitti, here is the output of @time_imports after a fresh restart.

using InteractiveUtils
println("\nDataFrames  : ")
InteractiveUtils.@time_imports using DataFrames
println("\nCSV         : ")
@time_imports using CSV
print("\nDates       : ")
@time_imports using Dates
println("\nZipArchives : ")
@time_imports using ZipArchives
println("\nGeoStats    : ")
@time_imports using GeoStats
println("\nGeoIO       : ")
@time_imports using GeoIO

println("\nProj        : ")
@time_imports import Proj
println("\nMakie       : ")
@time_imports import CairoMakie as Mke

print("\    : ")
@time postcodes ="TerminatedPostcodes.csv", DataFrame)
DataFrames  :
               β”Œ 12940.1 ms SuiteSparse_jll.__init__() 
  14514.0 ms  SuiteSparse_jll 0.25% compilation time
               β”Œ 7.2 ms SparseArrays.CHOLMOD.__init__() 90.36% compilation time
    823.3 ms  SparseArrays 0.79% compilation time
    466.3 ms  Statistics
    468.3 ms  Reexport
    511.6 ms  Compat
    511.2 ms  Compat β†’ CompatLinearAlgebraExt
    525.1 ms  OrderedCollections
   1132.0 ms  DataStructures
    461.3 ms  SortingAlgorithms
    482.2 ms  DataAPI
    459.8 ms  PooledArrays
    401.6 ms  Missings
    435.5 ms  InvertedIndices
    563.5 ms  IteratorInterfaceExtensions
    477.9 ms  TableTraits
    448.3 ms  DataValueInterfaces
    510.3 ms  Tables
    546.0 ms  Preferences
    486.0 ms  PrecompileTools
    498.7 ms  StringManipulation
    479.8 ms  Crayons
    424.9 ms  LaTeXStrings
   1149.6 ms  PrettyTables
    570.1 ms  SentinelArrays
               β”Œ 0.0 ms Parsers.__init__() 
   1854.4 ms  Parsers
    463.7 ms  InlineStrings
   2826.4 ms  DataFrames

CSV         : 
    494.2 ms  WeakRefStrings
    746.3 ms  TranscodingStreams
               β”Œ 0.1 ms Zlib_jll.__init__() 
    501.0 ms  Zlib_jll
    502.4 ms  CodecZlib
    598.4 ms  Test
    473.8 ms  TranscodingStreams β†’ TestExt
               β”Œ 0.0 ms FilePathsBase.__init__() 
    543.6 ms  FilePathsBase
    467.5 ms  WorkerUtilities
               β”Œ 0.0 ms CSV.__init__() 
   1218.9 ms  CSV

Dates       :
ZipArchives :
    407.7 ms  ArgCheck
    869.4 ms  ZipArchives

GeoStats    :
               β”Œ 0.0 ms DocStringExtensions.__init__() 
    835.1 ms  DocStringExtensions
    562.9 ms  IrrationalConstants
    488.6 ms  LogExpFunctions
    480.4 ms  StatsAPI
    829.9 ms  StatsBase
    425.6 ms  SuiteSparse
    507.6 ms  PDMats
               β”Œ 0.1 ms OpenLibm_jll.__init__()
      1.5 ms  OpenLibm_jll
    460.0 ms  JLLWrappers
               β”Œ 30.0 ms CompilerSupportLibraries_jll.__init__() 39.54% compilation time
    543.9 ms  CompilerSupportLibraries_jll 2.18% compilation time
               β”Œ 25.3 ms OpenSpecFun_jll.__init__() 34.74% compilation time
    480.0 ms  OpenSpecFun_jll 1.83% compilation time
    630.8 ms  SpecialFunctions
               β”Œ 17.2 ms Rmath_jll.__init__() 
    481.9 ms  Rmath_jll
               β”Œ 0.0 ms Rmath.__init__() 
    490.9 ms  Rmath
    469.9 ms  NaNMath
    509.1 ms  Calculus
    624.5 ms  DualNumbers
    633.5 ms  HypergeometricFunctions
    517.6 ms  StatsFuns
    493.6 ms  QuadGK
    746.8 ms  FillArrays
    410.3 ms  FillArrays β†’ FillArraysSparseArraysExt
    818.0 ms  FillArrays β†’ FillArraysPDMatsExt
    461.3 ms  FillArrays β†’ FillArraysStatisticsExt
    632.8 ms  AliasTables
               β”Œ 15.7 ms Distributions.TestUtils.__init__() 99.92% compilation time (100% recompilation)
    924.6 ms  Distributions 1.70% compilation time (100% recompilation)
    389.7 ms  Distributions β†’ DistributionsTestExt
    514.7 ms  StaticArraysCore
   1041.1 ms  StaticArrays
    423.0 ms  StaticArrays β†’ StaticArraysStatisticsExt
    479.7 ms  RangeArrays
    618.3 ms  IntervalSets
    462.3 ms  IntervalSets β†’ IntervalSetsRandomExt
    417.1 ms  IntervalSets β†’ IntervalSetsStatisticsExt
    523.1 ms  IterTools
    586.1 ms  AxisArrays
    518.2 ms  Distances
    394.6 ms  Distances β†’ DistancesSparseArraysExt
    482.2 ms  CoDa
   2024.3 ms  Unitful
    522.7 ms  CircularArrays
    614.2 ms  Bessels
    437.6 ms  RealDot
    405.0 ms  Quaternions
    620.3 ms  Rotations
    900.8 ms  NearestNeighbors
    441.7 ms  Adapt
    384.3 ms  Adapt β†’ AdaptStaticArraysExt
    559.7 ms  MacroTools
    442.5 ms  InverseFunctions
    438.8 ms  InverseFunctions β†’ DatesExt
    475.0 ms  LogExpFunctions β†’ LogExpFunctionsInverseFunctionsExt
    425.3 ms  StatsFuns β†’ StatsFunsInverseFunctionsExt
    473.7 ms  Unitful β†’ InverseFunctionsUnitfulExt
    501.7 ms  ConstructionBase
    486.4 ms  Unitful β†’ ConstructionBaseUnitfulExt
    422.9 ms  ConstructionBase β†’ ConstructionBaseStaticArraysExt
    411.7 ms  ConstructionBase β†’ ConstructionBaseIntervalSetsExt
    504.3 ms  CompositionsBase
    503.7 ms  CompositionsBase β†’ CompositionsBaseInverseFunctionsExt
               β”Œ 7.9 ms Accessors.__init__() 99.79% compilation time (100% recompilation)
    576.4 ms  Accessors 1.36% compilation time (100% recompilation)
    492.3 ms  Accessors β†’ AccessorsIntervalSetsExt
    502.4 ms  Accessors β†’ AccessorsStaticArraysExt
    382.9 ms  Accessors β†’ AccessorsUnitfulExt
    471.5 ms  InitialValues
               β”Œ 0.0 ms Requires.__init__() 
    467.7 ms  Requires
               β”Œ 0.0 ms BangBang.__init__() 
    522.6 ms  BangBang
    405.9 ms  BangBang β†’ BangBangStaticArraysExt
    446.7 ms  BangBang β†’ BangBangTablesExt
    456.0 ms  BangBang β†’ BangBangDataFramesExt
    520.9 ms  Baselet
    440.6 ms  DefineSingletons
               β”Œ 0.1 ms Distributed.__init__() 
     20.2 ms  Distributed
    426.4 ms  MicroCollections 7.20% compilation time
    450.5 ms  Setfield
    453.6 ms  SplittablesBase
    576.1 ms  Transducers
    424.0 ms  Transducers β†’ TransducersDataFramesExt
    514.0 ms  AbstractTrees
    448.7 ms  TransformsBase
    688.2 ms  Meshes
    468.8 ms  DataScienceTraits
    517.1 ms  DataScienceTraits β†’ DataScienceTraitsDistributionsExt
    468.5 ms  DataScienceTraits β†’ DataScienceTraitsCoDaExt
    404.0 ms  DataScienceTraits β†’ DataScienceTraitsUnitfulExt
    506.1 ms  DataScienceTraits β†’ DataScienceTraitsMeshesExt
    381.3 ms  ColumnSelectors
    533.4 ms  GeoTables
    527.6 ms  LossFunctions
    634.2 ms  CategoricalArrays
    422.3 ms  DataScienceTraits β†’ DataScienceTraitsCategoricalArraysExt
    451.2 ms  LossFunctions β†’ LossFunctionsCategoricalArraysExt
    459.7 ms  CategoricalArrays β†’ CategoricalArraysSentinelArraysExt
    995.3 ms  UnPack
    492.6 ms  Parameters
    420.5 ms  DensityRatioEstimation
    457.2 ms  NelderMead
    668.0 ms  TableTransforms
    465.8 ms  GeoTables β†’ GeoTablesTableTransformsExt
    437.5 ms  DelimitedFiles
    474.0 ms  ScikitLearnBase
    568.8 ms  DecisionTree
    451.9 ms  ShiftedArrays
    548.0 ms  StatsModels
    548.8 ms  GLM
    483.6 ms  StatsLearnModels
    503.6 ms  Indexing
    581.1 ms  Dictionaries
    520.3 ms  SplitApplyCombine
    565.1 ms  TypedTables
    462.0 ms  BangBang β†’ BangBangTypedTablesExt
    570.0 ms  ArrayInterface
    452.6 ms  ArrayInterface β†’ ArrayInterfaceStaticArraysCoreExt
    389.5 ms  FiniteDiff
    520.5 ms  FiniteDiff β†’ FiniteDiffStaticArraysExt
    487.6 ms  DiffRules
    422.2 ms  DiffResults
    462.1 ms  CommonSubexpressions
    804.7 ms  ForwardDiff
    372.2 ms  ForwardDiff β†’ ForwardDiffStaticArraysExt
    675.0 ms  NLSolversBase
    471.1 ms  PositiveFactorizations
    492.8 ms  LineSearches
    632.0 ms  Optim
    474.8 ms  DensityRatioEstimation β†’ DensityRatioEstimationOptimExt
    776.0 ms  GeoStatsBase
    474.0 ms  GeoStatsFunctions
    532.3 ms  Combinatorics
    443.4 ms  GeoStatsModels
               β”Œ 9.6 ms AbstractFFTs.TestUtils.__init__() 99.84% compilation time (100% recompilation)
    617.7 ms  AbstractFFTs 1.55% compilation time (100% recompilation)
    447.3 ms  AbstractFFTs β†’ AbstractFFTsTestExt
               β”Œ 62.1 ms FFTW_jll.__init__() 
    553.8 ms  FFTW_jll
               β”Œ 2.7 ms FFTW.__init__() 
   1174.4 ms  FFTW
    441.4 ms  CpuId
    500.0 ms  ProgressMeter
    461.7 ms  GeoStatsProcesses
    561.5 ms  TableDistances
    455.6 ms  Clustering
    442.0 ms  ArnoldiMethod
    571.2 ms  GeoStatsTransforms
    528.6 ms  GeoStatsValidation
    632.8 ms  Chain
    472.5 ms  GeoStats

GeoIO       :
    620.2 ms  FixedPointNumbers
               β”Œ 7.0 ms ColorTypes.__init__() 99.86% compilation time (100% recompilation)
    582.8 ms  ColorTypes 1.21% compilation time (100% recompilation)
    753.0 ms  Colors
    481.2 ms  Format
               β”Œ 5.0 ms FileIO.__init__() 97.33% compilation time
    767.5 ms  FileIO 0.63% compilation time
               β”Œ 20.0 ms Libiconv_jll.__init__() 
    485.2 ms  Libiconv_jll
               β”Œ 59.0 ms XML2_jll.__init__() 
    542.3 ms  XML2_jll
    483.4 ms  LightXML
    541.5 ms  VTKBase
    505.2 ms  ReadVTK
    656.6 ms  WriteVTK
               β”Œ 0.0 ms CFTime.__init__() 
    487.0 ms  CFTime
    577.0 ms  CommonDataModel
               β”Œ 8.9 ms libpng_jll.__init__() 
    461.3 ms  libpng_jll
               β”Œ 25.1 ms JpegTurbo_jll.__init__() 
    439.8 ms  JpegTurbo_jll
               β”Œ 10.9 ms LERC_jll.__init__() 
    431.3 ms  LERC_jll
               β”Œ 22.3 ms XZ_jll.__init__() 
    475.5 ms  XZ_jll
               β”Œ 9.6 ms Zstd_jll.__init__() 
    484.2 ms  Zstd_jll
               β”Œ 30.7 ms Libtiff_jll.__init__() 
    496.0 ms  Libtiff_jll
               β”Œ 17.9 ms LittleCMS_jll.__init__() 
    495.4 ms  LittleCMS_jll
               β”Œ 8.8 ms OpenJpeg_jll.__init__() 
    449.6 ms  OpenJpeg_jll
               β”Œ 16.3 ms libaec_jll.__init__() 
    450.3 ms  libaec_jll
               β”Œ 51.4 ms eccodes_jll.__init__() 
    679.5 ms  eccodes_jll
               β”Œ 0.4 ms GRIB.__init__() 
    729.6 ms  GRIB
    495.2 ms  LRUCache
    617.6 ms  LRUCache β†’ SerializationExt
    699.6 ms  OffsetArrays
    646.1 ms  OffsetArrays β†’ OffsetArraysAdaptExt
    572.7 ms  DiskArrays
    497.5 ms  GRIBDatasets
               β”Œ 13.6 ms Bzip2_jll.__init__() 
    614.6 ms  Bzip2_jll
      1.4 ms  LazyArtifacts
    463.9 ms  MPIPreferences
               β”Œ 1313.8 ms OpenSSL_jll.__init__() 
   1906.5 ms  OpenSSL_jll
               β”Œ 31.8 ms MicrosoftMPI_jll.__init__() 
    477.7 ms  MicrosoftMPI_jll
               β”Œ 204.4 ms HDF5_jll.__init__() 76.78% compilation time (100% recompilation)
    618.0 ms  HDF5_jll 25.39% compilation time (100% recompilation)
               β”Œ 10.8 ms libzip_jll.__init__() 
    592.8 ms  libzip_jll
               β”Œ 9.8 ms Lz4_jll.__init__() 
    502.7 ms  Lz4_jll
               β”Œ 7.8 ms Blosc_jll.__init__() 
    397.3 ms  Blosc_jll
    401.9 ms  OpenMPI_jll
               β”Œ 17.9 ms NetCDF_jll.__init__() 
    476.2 ms  NetCDF_jll
               β”Œ 0.0 ms NCDatasets.__init__() 
    794.6 ms  NCDatasets
    442.6 ms  PlyIO
    444.6 ms  GslibIO
    760.7 ms  GeoFormatTypes
    642.4 ms  Extents
    621.2 ms  GeoInterface
    727.7 ms  RecipesBase
    482.8 ms  IntervalSets β†’ IntervalSetsRecipesBaseExt
    394.7 ms  Rotations β†’ RotationsRecipesBaseExt
    581.6 ms  CategoricalArrays β†’ CategoricalArraysRecipesBaseExt
    406.0 ms  GeoInterfaceRecipes
    532.3 ms  DBFTables
    534.3 ms  Shapefile
    563.4 ms  StructTypes
    435.3 ms  CategoricalArrays β†’ CategoricalArraysStructTypesExt
    935.1 ms  JSON3
   2493.9 ms  GeoJSON
    601.1 ms  CEnum
               β”Œ 36.8 ms GEOS_jll.__init__() 
    544.4 ms  GEOS_jll
               β”Œ 47.8 ms SQLite_jll.__init__() 
    609.5 ms  SQLite_jll
               β”Œ 30.7 ms PROJ_jll.__init__() 
    720.2 ms  PROJ_jll
               β”Œ 162.8 ms ICU_jll.__init__() 
    599.1 ms  ICU_jll
               β”Œ 29.7 ms LibPQ_jll.__init__() 
    513.4 ms  LibPQ_jll
               β”Œ 559.8 ms Expat_jll.__init__() 
   1233.4 ms  Expat_jll
               β”Œ 8.3 ms libgeotiff_jll.__init__() 
    472.6 ms  libgeotiff_jll
               β”Œ 269.8 ms boost_jll.__init__() 
    769.6 ms  boost_jll
               β”Œ 10.4 ms Thrift_jll.__init__() 
    734.3 ms  Thrift_jll
               β”Œ 12.2 ms LZO_jll.__init__() 
    495.7 ms  LZO_jll
               β”Œ 5.1 ms snappy_jll.__init__() 
    482.4 ms  snappy_jll
               β”Œ 130.0 ms Arrow_jll.__init__() 
    525.5 ms  Arrow_jll
               β”Œ 125.6 ms GDAL_jll.__init__() 
    697.5 ms  GDAL_jll
               β”Œ 3.6 ms GDAL.__init__() 
    938.8 ms  GDAL
    455.5 ms  TensorCore
               β”Œ 7.2 ms ColorVectorSpace.__init__() 99.87% compilation time (100% recompilation)
   1134.9 ms  ColorVectorSpace 0.63% compilation time (100% recompilation)
    503.3 ms  ColorVectorSpace β†’ SpecialFunctionsExt
    389.4 ms  PaddedViews
    409.2 ms  MappedArrays
    444.9 ms  StackViews
    458.8 ms  MosaicViews
               β”Œ 6.1 ms ImageCore.__init__() 99.85% compilation time (100% recompilation)
   2392.1 ms  ImageCore 0.25% compilation time (100% recompilation)
               β”Œ 0.0 ms ArchGDAL.__init__() 
   1155.0 ms  ArchGDAL
    888.6 ms  TableOperations
    617.1 ms  BitIntegers
    689.0 ms  Thrift2
               β”Œ 37.3 ms DecFP_jll.__init__() 
    653.7 ms  DecFP_jll
               β”Œ 0.0 ms DecFP.__init__() 
    766.4 ms  DecFP
    552.2 ms  FNVHash
    503.8 ms  UnsafeArrays
    477.6 ms  LightBSON
    448.1 ms  Snappy
    706.3 ms  CodecZstd
    539.2 ms  CodecLz4
   1108.7 ms  ArrayLayouts
    429.4 ms  ArrayLayouts β†’ ArrayLayoutsSparseArraysExt
    710.7 ms  MatrixFactorizations
    873.1 ms  LazyArrays
    382.0 ms  Transducers β†’ TransducersLazyArraysExt
    645.4 ms  LazyArrays β†’ LazyArraysStaticArraysExt
   4024.7 ms  Parquet2
    727.2 ms  WellKnownGeometry
    550.8 ms  GeoParquet
   3291.3 ms  GeoIO

Proj        :
    643.7 ms  CoordinateTransformations
               β”Œ 0.1 ms Proj.__init__() 
    925.7 ms  Proj

Makie       :
    473.5 ms  Contour
               β”Œ 0.0 ms FilePaths.__init__() 
    425.3 ms  FilePaths
   1603.0 ms  Automa
               β”Œ 20.6 ms FreeType2_jll.__init__() 
    459.1 ms  FreeType2_jll
    627.5 ms  FreeType
    799.5 ms  StructArrays
    441.0 ms  Accessors β†’ AccessorsStructArraysExt
    532.5 ms  BangBang β†’ BangBangStructArraysExt
    584.8 ms  StructArrays β†’ StructArraysStaticArraysExt
    424.1 ms  StructArrays β†’ StructArraysSparseArraysExt
    518.1 ms  StructArrays β†’ StructArraysAdaptExt
               β”Œ 9.2 ms EarCut_jll.__init__() 
    631.6 ms  EarCut_jll
   1352.3 ms  GeometryBasics
               β”Œ 0.6 ms FreeTypeAbstraction.__init__() 
    556.8 ms  FreeTypeAbstraction
    743.0 ms  UnicodeFun
    400.3 ms  Scratch
    887.8 ms  RelocatableFolders
    828.3 ms  MathTeXEngine
               β”Œ 14.1 ms FriBidi_jll.__init__() 
    690.0 ms  FriBidi_jll
               β”Œ 6.2 ms Libffi_jll.__init__() 
    623.4 ms  Libffi_jll
               β”Œ 25.8 ms Gettext_jll.__init__() 
    570.8 ms  Gettext_jll
               β”Œ 39.2 ms PCRE2_jll.__init__() 
     40.9 ms  PCRE2_jll
               β”Œ 78.3 ms Glib_jll.__init__() 
    832.1 ms  Glib_jll
               β”Œ 25.3 ms Pixman_jll.__init__() 
    459.7 ms  Pixman_jll
    536.1 ms  Libuuid_jll
               β”Œ 35.0 ms Fontconfig_jll.__init__() 25.06% compilation time
    739.5 ms  Fontconfig_jll 1.19% compilation time
               β”Œ 84.2 ms Cairo_jll.__init__() 
   1354.2 ms  Cairo_jll
               β”Œ 8.0 ms Graphite2_jll.__init__() 
    513.6 ms  Graphite2_jll
               β”Œ 57.0 ms HarfBuzz_jll.__init__() 
    544.0 ms  HarfBuzz_jll
               β”Œ 14.2 ms libass_jll.__init__() 
    450.1 ms  libass_jll
               β”Œ 46.7 ms libfdk_aac_jll.__init__() 
    713.8 ms  libfdk_aac_jll
               β”Œ 17.8 ms LAME_jll.__init__() 
   1065.0 ms  LAME_jll
               β”Œ 6.7 ms Ogg_jll.__init__() 
    477.1 ms  Ogg_jll
               β”Œ 23.1 ms libvorbis_jll.__init__() 
    639.1 ms  libvorbis_jll
               β”Œ 60.6 ms libaom_jll.__init__() 
   1028.7 ms  libaom_jll
               β”Œ 28.9 ms x264_jll.__init__() 
    715.7 ms  x264_jll
               β”Œ 57.2 ms x265_jll.__init__() 
    697.5 ms  x265_jll
               β”Œ 36.2 ms Opus_jll.__init__() 
    580.8 ms  Opus_jll
               β”Œ 133.0 ms FFMPEG_jll.__init__() 
    565.6 ms  FFMPEG_jll
    602.2 ms  Observables
    671.2 ms  ColorSchemes
   1407.7 ms  PlotUtils
    513.3 ms  JSON
    842.3 ms  CategoricalArrays β†’ CategoricalArraysJSONExt
    627.6 ms  ColorBrewer
    679.3 ms  Packing
    485.7 ms  SignedDistanceFields
    502.2 ms  MakieCore
    714.4 ms  ShaderAbstractions
    517.7 ms  WoodburyMatrices
   1115.4 ms  Ratios
    462.9 ms  Ratios β†’ RatiosFixedPointNumbersExt
    615.7 ms  AxisAlgorithms
    802.4 ms  ChainRulesCore
    454.4 ms  LogExpFunctions β†’ LogExpFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt
    612.3 ms  SpecialFunctions β†’ SpecialFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt
    475.5 ms  StatsFuns β†’ StatsFunsChainRulesCoreExt
    593.7 ms  ChainRulesCore β†’ ChainRulesCoreSparseArraysExt
    707.1 ms  Distributions β†’ DistributionsChainRulesCoreExt
    411.2 ms  StaticArrays β†’ StaticArraysChainRulesCoreExt
    541.1 ms  Distances β†’ DistancesChainRulesCoreExt
    411.5 ms  BangBang β†’ BangBangChainRulesCoreExt
    490.7 ms  DensityRatioEstimation β†’ DensityRatioEstimationChainRulesCoreExt
    496.8 ms  AbstractFFTs β†’ AbstractFFTsChainRulesCoreExt
    629.8 ms  Interpolations
   1249.2 ms  Interpolations β†’ InterpolationsUnitfulExt
    682.5 ms  KernelDensity
               β”Œ 7.8 ms isoband_jll.__init__() 
    671.4 ms  isoband_jll
    561.9 ms  Isoband
    408.3 ms  PolygonOps
    797.5 ms  GridLayoutBase
    945.9 ms  IndirectArrays
               β”Œ 0.0 ms LazyModules.__init__() 
    891.9 ms  LazyModules
    422.6 ms  ImageIO
    421.5 ms  TriplotBase
    792.8 ms  SimpleRandom
    548.5 ms  IntegerMathUtils
    987.0 ms  Primes
    427.6 ms  AbstractLattices
    604.1 ms  Mods
    864.7 ms  Multisets
   1918.8 ms  Polynomials
    400.2 ms  Polynomials β†’ PolynomialsFFTWExt
    451.3 ms  Polynomials β†’ PolynomialsChainRulesCoreExt
    467.2 ms  Polynomials β†’ PolynomialsMakieCoreExt
    429.8 ms  SimplePolynomials
    735.6 ms  LinearAlgebraX
    436.5 ms  RingLists
    464.4 ms  Permutations
    434.1 ms  SimplePartitions
    511.7 ms  SimpleGraphs
               β”Œ 8.2 ms CRlibm_jll.__init__() 
    464.3 ms  CRlibm_jll
    499.2 ms  RoundingEmulator
    619.3 ms  IntervalArithmetic
    663.3 ms  IntervalArithmetic β†’ IntervalArithmeticDiffRulesExt
    411.8 ms  IntervalArithmetic β†’ IntervalArithmeticForwardDiffExt
    455.7 ms  IntervalArithmetic β†’ IntervalArithmeticRecipesBaseExt
    659.2 ms  ExactPredicates
    457.8 ms  EnumX
    632.2 ms  DelaunayTriangulation
    427.9 ms  Showoff
    401.1 ms  Animations
               β”Œ 2.9 ms Makie.__init__() 
   8624.5 ms  Makie
    465.2 ms  Colorfy
    431.2 ms  Colorfy β†’ ColorfyCategoricalArraysExt
    793.1 ms  Colorfy β†’ ColorfyUnitfulExt
    572.6 ms  Colorfy β†’ ColorfyDistributionsExt
    562.4 ms  Meshes β†’ MeshesMakieExt
    486.7 ms  GeoTables β†’ GeoTablesMakieExt
    431.9 ms  GeoStatsBase β†’ GeoStatsBaseMakieExt
    717.1 ms  GeoStatsFunctions β†’ GeoStatsFunctionsMakieExt
    551.0 ms  GeoInterfaceMakie
    448.1 ms  Shapefile β†’ ShapefileMakieExt
    621.1 ms  GeoJSON β†’ GeoJSONMakieExt
               β”Œ 60.6 ms Pango_jll.__init__() 
    604.7 ms  Pango_jll
    476.0 ms  Graphics
    464.8 ms  Cairo
               β”Œ 4.1 ms CairoMakie.__init__() 97.45% compilation time
   7348.4 ms  CairoMakie 0.05% compilation time    :   3.346907 seconds (2.61 M allocations: 176.028 MiB, 0.91% gc time, 304.83% compilation time: 9% of which was recompilation)

It’s not uncommon that unusual percentages can be attributed to multithreading, but I don’t know whether that’s a reasonable explanation here.

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This seems to be a bug:

compilation time reported incorrectly with @time and multithreading Β· Issue #53016 Β· JuliaLang/julia (

1 Like

A comparison of @time_imports from the second time you start Julia would be useful.

My guess is that your security software is closely examining DLLs that Julia is loading. This is why some of the JLL packages take a second to load.

  1. Julia asks Windows to load a DLL.
  2. Windows says sure, but your security software has to check it first.
  3. Security software takes 100 to 500 ms per DLL.
  4. A second later Windows finally lets Julia load the DLL.

I do wonder if --pkgimages=no might help speed things up on the first run. This will avoid loading the DLL caches for each package. Usually the native code caching makes loading faster. I wonder if it is slower in your initial case.

1 Like

Here’s a second run:

               β”Œ 51.7 ms SuiteSparse_jll.__init__() 
     83.5 ms  SuiteSparse_jll 35.58% compilation time
               β”Œ 6.2 ms SparseArrays.CHOLMOD.__init__() 98.74% compilation time
    134.6 ms  SparseArrays 4.55% compilation time
      1.2 ms  Statistics
      0.5 ms  Reexport
      0.7 ms  Compat
      0.6 ms  Compat β†’ CompatLinearAlgebraExt
      5.8 ms  OrderedCollections
     20.9 ms  DataStructures
      1.4 ms  SortingAlgorithms
      1.7 ms  DataAPI
      7.8 ms  PooledArrays
      4.0 ms  Missings
      2.2 ms  InvertedIndices
      0.7 ms  IteratorInterfaceExtensions
      0.5 ms  TableTraits
      0.6 ms  DataValueInterfaces
      8.6 ms  Tables
     10.4 ms  Preferences
      0.8 ms  PrecompileTools
      6.3 ms  StringManipulation
     12.0 ms  Crayons
      1.4 ms  LaTeXStrings
     73.4 ms  PrettyTables
     16.6 ms  SentinelArrays
               β”Œ 0.0 ms Parsers.__init__() 
     37.9 ms  Parsers
     10.8 ms  InlineStrings
    287.9 ms  DataFrames

CSV         :
      6.8 ms  WeakRefStrings
      1.6 ms  TranscodingStreams
               β”Œ 0.0 ms Zlib_jll.__init__()
      1.2 ms  Zlib_jll
      1.2 ms  CodecZlib
     31.3 ms  Test
      0.9 ms  TranscodingStreams β†’ TestExt
               β”Œ 0.0 ms FilePathsBase.__init__() 
     15.2 ms  FilePathsBase
      1.8 ms  WorkerUtilities
               β”Œ 0.0 ms CSV.__init__() 
     93.2 ms  CSV

Dates       :
ZipArchives :
      0.9 ms  ArgCheck
     39.8 ms  ZipArchives

GeoStats    :
               β”Œ 0.0 ms DocStringExtensions.__init__() 
      3.9 ms  DocStringExtensions
     11.4 ms  IrrationalConstants
      2.0 ms  LogExpFunctions
      2.2 ms  StatsAPI
     22.7 ms  StatsBase
      0.8 ms  SuiteSparse
     18.2 ms  PDMats
               β”Œ 0.1 ms OpenLibm_jll.__init__()
      1.8 ms  OpenLibm_jll
      0.8 ms  JLLWrappers
               β”Œ 13.9 ms CompilerSupportLibraries_jll.__init__() 38.80% compilation time
     15.5 ms  CompilerSupportLibraries_jll 34.89% compilation time
               β”Œ 4.9 ms OpenSpecFun_jll.__init__() 77.22% compilation time
      6.8 ms  OpenSpecFun_jll 56.01% compilation time
      6.7 ms  SpecialFunctions
               β”Œ 1.3 ms Rmath_jll.__init__()
      2.9 ms  Rmath_jll
               β”Œ 0.0 ms Rmath.__init__() 
      2.0 ms  Rmath
      0.7 ms  NaNMath
      1.6 ms  Calculus
      8.9 ms  DualNumbers
      1.7 ms  HypergeometricFunctions
      4.4 ms  StatsFuns
      3.3 ms  QuadGK
     81.2 ms  FillArrays
      2.5 ms  FillArrays β†’ FillArraysSparseArraysExt
      0.6 ms  FillArrays β†’ FillArraysPDMatsExt
      0.8 ms  FillArrays β†’ FillArraysStatisticsExt
      1.6 ms  AliasTables
               β”Œ 16.5 ms Distributions.TestUtils.__init__() 99.93% compilation time (100% recompilation)
    125.3 ms  Distributions 13.14% compilation time (100% recompilation)
      0.7 ms  Distributions β†’ DistributionsTestExt
      1.4 ms  StaticArraysCore
    186.6 ms  StaticArrays
      0.6 ms  StaticArrays β†’ StaticArraysStatisticsExt
      1.2 ms  RangeArrays
     15.5 ms  IntervalSets
      0.6 ms  IntervalSets β†’ IntervalSetsRandomExt
      0.5 ms  IntervalSets β†’ IntervalSetsStatisticsExt
     23.1 ms  IterTools
     11.3 ms  AxisArrays
      3.3 ms  Distances
      0.5 ms  Distances β†’ DistancesSparseArraysExt
      5.8 ms  CoDa
    174.4 ms  Unitful
      6.9 ms  CircularArrays
      6.1 ms  Bessels
      0.6 ms  RealDot
      2.1 ms  Quaternions
     62.0 ms  Rotations
     15.0 ms  NearestNeighbors
      0.8 ms  Adapt
      0.5 ms  Adapt β†’ AdaptStaticArraysExt
      9.7 ms  MacroTools
      1.2 ms  InverseFunctions
      0.4 ms  InverseFunctions β†’ DatesExt
      0.5 ms  LogExpFunctions β†’ LogExpFunctionsInverseFunctionsExt
      0.4 ms  StatsFuns β†’ StatsFunsInverseFunctionsExt
      0.5 ms  Unitful β†’ InverseFunctionsUnitfulExt
      0.8 ms  ConstructionBase
      0.5 ms  Unitful β†’ ConstructionBaseUnitfulExt
      0.9 ms  ConstructionBase β†’ ConstructionBaseStaticArraysExt
      0.5 ms  ConstructionBase β†’ ConstructionBaseIntervalSetsExt
      0.6 ms  CompositionsBase
      0.5 ms  CompositionsBase β†’ CompositionsBaseInverseFunctionsExt
               β”Œ 7.7 ms Accessors.__init__() 99.82% compilation time (100% recompilation)
     24.7 ms  Accessors 31.24% compilation time (100% recompilation)
      0.9 ms  Accessors β†’ AccessorsIntervalSetsExt
      0.6 ms  Accessors β†’ AccessorsStaticArraysExt
      0.5 ms  Accessors β†’ AccessorsUnitfulExt
     13.8 ms  InitialValues
               β”Œ 0.0 ms Requires.__init__()
      1.5 ms  Requires
               β”Œ 0.0 ms BangBang.__init__()
      6.9 ms  BangBang
      1.1 ms  BangBang β†’ BangBangStaticArraysExt
      1.1 ms  BangBang β†’ BangBangTablesExt
      2.3 ms  BangBang β†’ BangBangDataFramesExt
     12.7 ms  Baselet
      0.7 ms  DefineSingletons
               β”Œ 0.1 ms Distributed.__init__() 
     26.1 ms  Distributed
      6.1 ms  MicroCollections
     14.1 ms  Setfield
      7.3 ms  SplittablesBase 371.49% compilation time
     18.0 ms  Transducers
      0.5 ms  Transducers β†’ TransducersDataFramesExt
     20.8 ms  AbstractTrees
      1.6 ms  TransformsBase
     40.3 ms  Meshes
      0.7 ms  DataScienceTraits
      0.8 ms  DataScienceTraits β†’ DataScienceTraitsDistributionsExt
      0.7 ms  DataScienceTraits β†’ DataScienceTraitsCoDaExt
      0.6 ms  DataScienceTraits β†’ DataScienceTraitsUnitfulExt
      1.1 ms  DataScienceTraits β†’ DataScienceTraitsMeshesExt
      1.5 ms  ColumnSelectors
      5.9 ms  GeoTables
      5.3 ms  LossFunctions
     95.7 ms  CategoricalArrays
      0.6 ms  DataScienceTraits β†’ DataScienceTraitsCategoricalArraysExt
      1.4 ms  LossFunctions β†’ LossFunctionsCategoricalArraysExt
      1.5 ms  CategoricalArrays β†’ CategoricalArraysSentinelArraysExt
      2.5 ms  UnPack
      2.5 ms  Parameters
      7.1 ms  DensityRatioEstimation
      5.2 ms  NelderMead
     61.6 ms  TableTransforms
      0.7 ms  GeoTables β†’ GeoTablesTableTransformsExt
      3.6 ms  DelimitedFiles
      3.5 ms  ScikitLearnBase
     20.1 ms  DecisionTree
      8.7 ms  ShiftedArrays
     22.1 ms  StatsModels
     12.5 ms  GLM
      9.1 ms  StatsLearnModels
      7.9 ms  Indexing
     76.8 ms  Dictionaries
     13.9 ms  SplitApplyCombine
     51.8 ms  TypedTables
      0.7 ms  BangBang β†’ BangBangTypedTablesExt
      4.3 ms  ArrayInterface
      0.9 ms  ArrayInterface β†’ ArrayInterfaceStaticArraysCoreExt
      5.5 ms  FiniteDiff
      0.9 ms  FiniteDiff β†’ FiniteDiffStaticArraysExt
      4.7 ms  DiffRules
      4.2 ms  DiffResults
      3.0 ms  CommonSubexpressions
     65.3 ms  ForwardDiff
      1.9 ms  ForwardDiff β†’ ForwardDiffStaticArraysExt
      7.3 ms  NLSolversBase
      3.6 ms  PositiveFactorizations
      6.7 ms  LineSearches
     14.9 ms  Optim
      0.8 ms  DensityRatioEstimation β†’ DensityRatioEstimationOptimExt
    307.9 ms  GeoStatsBase
     13.3 ms  GeoStatsFunctions
     10.3 ms  Combinatorics
      5.9 ms  GeoStatsModels
               β”Œ 7.0 ms AbstractFFTs.TestUtils.__init__() 99.84% compilation time (100% recompilation)
     18.4 ms  AbstractFFTs 38.22% compilation time (100% recompilation)
      0.9 ms  AbstractFFTs β†’ AbstractFFTsTestExt
               β”Œ 3.0 ms FFTW_jll.__init__()
      6.5 ms  FFTW_jll
               β”Œ 1.7 ms FFTW.__init__() 
    106.8 ms  FFTW
      3.7 ms  CpuId
     13.8 ms  ProgressMeter
      5.5 ms  GeoStatsProcesses
      3.2 ms  TableDistances
      8.5 ms  Clustering
      5.2 ms  ArnoldiMethod
     15.2 ms  GeoStatsTransforms
      4.9 ms  GeoStatsValidation
      2.8 ms  Chain
      4.2 ms  GeoStats

GeoIO       :
     29.0 ms  FixedPointNumbers
               β”Œ 6.4 ms ColorTypes.__init__() 99.85% compilation time (100% recompilation)
     40.5 ms  ColorTypes 15.67% compilation time (100% recompilation)
     42.4 ms  Colors
      7.1 ms  Format
               β”Œ 5.1 ms FileIO.__init__() 97.35% compilation time
     56.8 ms  FileIO 8.69% compilation time
               β”Œ 2.0 ms Libiconv_jll.__init__()
      3.5 ms  Libiconv_jll
               β”Œ 1.4 ms XML2_jll.__init__()
      2.4 ms  XML2_jll
      3.2 ms  LightXML
      3.8 ms  VTKBase
      2.3 ms  ReadVTK
      2.3 ms  WriteVTK
               β”Œ 0.0 ms CFTime.__init__() 
     10.7 ms  CFTime
     14.2 ms  CommonDataModel
               β”Œ 1.3 ms libpng_jll.__init__() 
      3.0 ms  libpng_jll
               β”Œ 2.6 ms JpegTurbo_jll.__init__()
      4.4 ms  JpegTurbo_jll
               β”Œ 1.0 ms LERC_jll.__init__()
      2.7 ms  LERC_jll
               β”Œ 1.0 ms XZ_jll.__init__()
      2.3 ms  XZ_jll
               β”Œ 0.8 ms Zstd_jll.__init__() 
      2.1 ms  Zstd_jll
               β”Œ 1.4 ms Libtiff_jll.__init__()
      3.0 ms  Libtiff_jll
               β”Œ 1.0 ms LittleCMS_jll.__init__()
      2.4 ms  LittleCMS_jll
               β”Œ 1.0 ms OpenJpeg_jll.__init__()
      2.8 ms  OpenJpeg_jll
               β”Œ 1.8 ms libaec_jll.__init__()
      3.0 ms  libaec_jll
               β”Œ 1.7 ms eccodes_jll.__init__()
      3.0 ms  eccodes_jll
               β”Œ 0.2 ms GRIB.__init__()
     11.2 ms  GRIB
      5.9 ms  LRUCache
      0.6 ms  LRUCache β†’ SerializationExt
     24.5 ms  OffsetArrays
      0.6 ms  OffsetArrays β†’ OffsetArraysAdaptExt
     23.3 ms  DiskArrays
      5.6 ms  GRIBDatasets
               β”Œ 1.0 ms Bzip2_jll.__init__() 
      2.4 ms  Bzip2_jll
      0.6 ms  LazyArtifacts
      0.8 ms  MPIPreferences
               β”Œ 20.0 ms OpenSSL_jll.__init__() 
     21.4 ms  OpenSSL_jll
               β”Œ 4.0 ms MicrosoftMPI_jll.__init__()
      5.4 ms  MicrosoftMPI_jll
               β”Œ 149.6 ms HDF5_jll.__init__() 96.66% compilation time (100% recompilation)
    151.8 ms  HDF5_jll 95.28% compilation time (100% recompilation)
               β”Œ 0.8 ms libzip_jll.__init__()
      2.3 ms  libzip_jll
               β”Œ 0.6 ms Lz4_jll.__init__()
      1.6 ms  Lz4_jll
               β”Œ 0.6 ms Blosc_jll.__init__()
      1.5 ms  Blosc_jll
      0.5 ms  OpenMPI_jll
               β”Œ 0.7 ms NetCDF_jll.__init__() 
      1.5 ms  NetCDF_jll
               β”Œ 0.0 ms NCDatasets.__init__() 
     36.8 ms  NCDatasets
      5.1 ms  PlyIO
      1.0 ms  GslibIO
      8.5 ms  GeoFormatTypes
      3.5 ms  Extents
     14.3 ms  GeoInterface
     15.4 ms  RecipesBase
      0.6 ms  IntervalSets β†’ IntervalSetsRecipesBaseExt
      0.6 ms  Rotations β†’ RotationsRecipesBaseExt
      0.6 ms  CategoricalArrays β†’ CategoricalArraysRecipesBaseExt
      0.9 ms  GeoInterfaceRecipes
      3.2 ms  DBFTables
     10.3 ms  Shapefile
      7.5 ms  StructTypes
      1.7 ms  CategoricalArrays β†’ CategoricalArraysStructTypesExt
     38.8 ms  JSON3
    132.7 ms  GeoJSON
      2.5 ms  CEnum
               β”Œ 2.9 ms GEOS_jll.__init__()
      4.7 ms  GEOS_jll
               β”Œ 1.4 ms SQLite_jll.__init__()
      2.8 ms  SQLite_jll
               β”Œ 1.7 ms PROJ_jll.__init__()
      3.1 ms  PROJ_jll
               β”Œ 5.4 ms ICU_jll.__init__() 
      6.3 ms  ICU_jll
               β”Œ 1.9 ms LibPQ_jll.__init__()
      3.1 ms  LibPQ_jll
               β”Œ 3.6 ms Expat_jll.__init__()
      4.5 ms  Expat_jll
               β”Œ 0.9 ms libgeotiff_jll.__init__()
      2.3 ms  libgeotiff_jll
               β”Œ 24.7 ms boost_jll.__init__() 
     26.2 ms  boost_jll
               β”Œ 1.0 ms Thrift_jll.__init__()
      2.6 ms  Thrift_jll
               β”Œ 1.2 ms LZO_jll.__init__()
      2.2 ms  LZO_jll
               β”Œ 0.8 ms snappy_jll.__init__()
      1.8 ms  snappy_jll
               β”Œ 5.1 ms Arrow_jll.__init__() 
      6.1 ms  Arrow_jll
               β”Œ 4.5 ms GDAL_jll.__init__()
      6.1 ms  GDAL_jll
               β”Œ 3.0 ms GDAL.__init__() 
     34.9 ms  GDAL
      1.1 ms  TensorCore
               β”Œ 6.2 ms ColorVectorSpace.__init__() 99.84% compilation time (100% recompilation)
     64.3 ms  ColorVectorSpace 9.56% compilation time (100% recompilation)
      0.7 ms  ColorVectorSpace β†’ SpecialFunctionsExt
      1.8 ms  PaddedViews
      3.9 ms  MappedArrays
      3.3 ms  StackViews
      2.5 ms  MosaicViews
               β”Œ 6.8 ms ImageCore.__init__() 99.76% compilation time (100% recompilation)
    221.6 ms  ImageCore 3.06% compilation time (100% recompilation)
               β”Œ 0.0 ms ArchGDAL.__init__() 
     79.0 ms  ArchGDAL
     13.4 ms  TableOperations
     13.6 ms  BitIntegers
      2.2 ms  Thrift2
               β”Œ 1.5 ms DecFP_jll.__init__()
      2.8 ms  DecFP_jll
               β”Œ 0.0 ms DecFP.__init__() 
     21.3 ms  DecFP
      0.7 ms  FNVHash
      4.8 ms  UnsafeArrays
      7.6 ms  LightBSON
      0.7 ms  Snappy
      6.0 ms  CodecZstd
      6.9 ms  CodecLz4
    247.5 ms  ArrayLayouts
      1.1 ms  ArrayLayouts β†’ ArrayLayoutsSparseArraysExt
     72.5 ms  MatrixFactorizations
    111.8 ms  LazyArrays
      0.8 ms  Transducers β†’ TransducersLazyArraysExt
      0.6 ms  LazyArrays β†’ LazyArraysStaticArraysExt
    488.6 ms  Parquet2
      1.6 ms  WellKnownGeometry
      1.4 ms  GeoParquet
    404.8 ms  GeoIO

Proj        :
     10.9 ms  CoordinateTransformations
               β”Œ 0.1 ms Proj.__init__() 
     31.1 ms  Proj

Makie       :
      1.9 ms  Contour
               β”Œ 0.0 ms FilePaths.__init__()
      7.8 ms  FilePaths
     71.1 ms  Automa
               β”Œ 1.4 ms FreeType2_jll.__init__()
      2.9 ms  FreeType2_jll
     16.4 ms  FreeType
     48.6 ms  StructArrays
      0.7 ms  Accessors β†’ AccessorsStructArraysExt
      0.7 ms  BangBang β†’ BangBangStructArraysExt
      1.2 ms  StructArrays β†’ StructArraysStaticArraysExt
      0.7 ms  StructArrays β†’ StructArraysSparseArraysExt
      0.6 ms  StructArrays β†’ StructArraysAdaptExt
               β”Œ 1.8 ms EarCut_jll.__init__()
      3.4 ms  EarCut_jll
    312.2 ms  GeometryBasics
               β”Œ 0.3 ms FreeTypeAbstraction.__init__() 
     22.0 ms  FreeTypeAbstraction
      4.5 ms  UnicodeFun
      0.8 ms  Scratch
      0.9 ms  RelocatableFolders
     22.9 ms  MathTeXEngine
               β”Œ 1.1 ms FriBidi_jll.__init__()
      3.0 ms  FriBidi_jll
               β”Œ 1.3 ms Libffi_jll.__init__()
      3.0 ms  Libffi_jll
               β”Œ 2.4 ms Gettext_jll.__init__()
      4.1 ms  Gettext_jll
               β”Œ 19.7 ms PCRE2_jll.__init__() 
     21.2 ms  PCRE2_jll
               β”Œ 6.6 ms Glib_jll.__init__() 
      8.2 ms  Glib_jll
               β”Œ 1.7 ms Pixman_jll.__init__()
      3.1 ms  Pixman_jll
      0.7 ms  Libuuid_jll
               β”Œ 6.7 ms Fontconfig_jll.__init__() 81.85% compilation time
      8.5 ms  Fontconfig_jll 64.93% compilation time
               β”Œ 5.4 ms Cairo_jll.__init__()
      7.2 ms  Cairo_jll
               β”Œ 1.5 ms Graphite2_jll.__init__() 
      2.7 ms  Graphite2_jll
               β”Œ 3.6 ms HarfBuzz_jll.__init__()
      4.7 ms  HarfBuzz_jll
               β”Œ 1.2 ms libass_jll.__init__()
      2.2 ms  libass_jll
               β”Œ 1.1 ms libfdk_aac_jll.__init__()
      2.0 ms  libfdk_aac_jll
               β”Œ 1.1 ms LAME_jll.__init__()
      2.3 ms  LAME_jll
               β”Œ 1.1 ms Ogg_jll.__init__()
      2.1 ms  Ogg_jll
               β”Œ 1.8 ms libvorbis_jll.__init__()
      2.6 ms  libvorbis_jll
               β”Œ 1.5 ms libaom_jll.__init__() 
      2.6 ms  libaom_jll
               β”Œ 1.2 ms x264_jll.__init__()
      2.7 ms  x264_jll
               β”Œ 1.2 ms x265_jll.__init__()
      2.2 ms  x265_jll
               β”Œ 1.4 ms Opus_jll.__init__()
      2.4 ms  Opus_jll
               β”Œ 8.3 ms FFMPEG_jll.__init__() 
      9.5 ms  FFMPEG_jll
     34.8 ms  Observables
      8.5 ms  ColorSchemes
     92.7 ms  PlotUtils
     11.5 ms  JSON
      0.7 ms  CategoricalArrays β†’ CategoricalArraysJSONExt
      0.9 ms  ColorBrewer
      3.7 ms  Packing
      0.7 ms  SignedDistanceFields
      9.1 ms  MakieCore
     41.8 ms  ShaderAbstractions
      6.8 ms  WoodburyMatrices
      6.9 ms  Ratios
      3.1 ms  Ratios β†’ RatiosFixedPointNumbersExt
      1.6 ms  AxisAlgorithms
     43.2 ms  ChainRulesCore
      1.0 ms  LogExpFunctions β†’ LogExpFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt
      2.1 ms  SpecialFunctions β†’ SpecialFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt
      0.8 ms  StatsFuns β†’ StatsFunsChainRulesCoreExt
      1.1 ms  ChainRulesCore β†’ ChainRulesCoreSparseArraysExt
      1.1 ms  Distributions β†’ DistributionsChainRulesCoreExt
      0.8 ms  StaticArrays β†’ StaticArraysChainRulesCoreExt
      0.8 ms  Distances β†’ DistancesChainRulesCoreExt
      0.7 ms  BangBang β†’ BangBangChainRulesCoreExt
      1.0 ms  DensityRatioEstimation β†’ DensityRatioEstimationChainRulesCoreExt
      1.1 ms  AbstractFFTs β†’ AbstractFFTsChainRulesCoreExt
     39.8 ms  Interpolations
      0.8 ms  Interpolations β†’ InterpolationsUnitfulExt
      1.7 ms  KernelDensity
               β”Œ 2.1 ms isoband_jll.__init__()
      3.6 ms  isoband_jll
      0.6 ms  Isoband
      0.7 ms  PolygonOps
     70.4 ms  GridLayoutBase
      4.4 ms  IndirectArrays
               β”Œ 0.0 ms LazyModules.__init__()
     13.2 ms  LazyModules
      1.4 ms  ImageIO
      1.6 ms  TriplotBase
      1.3 ms  SimpleRandom
      0.6 ms  IntegerMathUtils
     17.9 ms  Primes
      0.7 ms  AbstractLattices
     13.9 ms  Mods
      3.4 ms  Multisets
    424.4 ms  Polynomials
      0.6 ms  Polynomials β†’ PolynomialsFFTWExt
      0.5 ms  Polynomials β†’ PolynomialsChainRulesCoreExt
      0.5 ms  Polynomials β†’ PolynomialsMakieCoreExt
      5.2 ms  SimplePolynomials
      3.2 ms  LinearAlgebraX
      3.5 ms  RingLists
      2.4 ms  Permutations
      2.1 ms  SimplePartitions
      5.1 ms  SimpleGraphs
               β”Œ 0.8 ms CRlibm_jll.__init__()
      1.8 ms  CRlibm_jll
      0.9 ms  RoundingEmulator
     46.7 ms  IntervalArithmetic
      0.6 ms  IntervalArithmetic β†’ IntervalArithmeticDiffRulesExt
      0.8 ms  IntervalArithmetic β†’ IntervalArithmeticForwardDiffExt
      0.7 ms  IntervalArithmetic β†’ IntervalArithmeticRecipesBaseExt
     17.8 ms  ExactPredicates
      0.9 ms  EnumX
     33.6 ms  DelaunayTriangulation
      1.1 ms  Showoff
      2.2 ms  Animations
               β”Œ 1.1 ms Makie.__init__() 
   1079.0 ms  Makie
      1.8 ms  Colorfy
      1.1 ms  Colorfy β†’ ColorfyCategoricalArraysExt
      1.1 ms  Colorfy β†’ ColorfyUnitfulExt
      1.6 ms  Colorfy β†’ ColorfyDistributionsExt
     11.6 ms  Meshes β†’ MeshesMakieExt
      2.0 ms  GeoTables β†’ GeoTablesMakieExt
      3.9 ms  GeoStatsBase β†’ GeoStatsBaseMakieExt
      2.9 ms  GeoStatsFunctions β†’ GeoStatsFunctionsMakieExt
      5.4 ms  GeoInterfaceMakie
     29.8 ms  Shapefile β†’ ShapefileMakieExt
     13.3 ms  GeoJSON β†’ GeoJSONMakieExt
               β”Œ 6.1 ms Pango_jll.__init__() 
      7.9 ms  Pango_jll
      2.1 ms  Graphics
      2.4 ms  Cairo
               β”Œ 3.5 ms CairoMakie.__init__() 97.05% compilation time
    410.8 ms  CairoMakie 0.84% compilation time    :   3.280767 seconds (2.84 M allocations: 192.797 MiB, 1.08% gc time, 303.27% compilation time: 9% of which was recompilation)

But that being true we, Win users, should all see that effect too. And we don’t.

Is, by any chance, Julia installed remotely and first use has to make internet access?

I think this is specific to the security software he has on his machine.

I just installed in the standard way: winget install julia -s msstore

I use juliaup to update between versions.

Packages are all in my .julia/packages folder on the c: drive.

Thanks for suggesting it, I took care of splitting (hopefully I didn’t make a mess, it’s my first topic split as mod). Next time you can use the flag to signal that sort of thing, so that all moderators see it :wink: