Intersection of `SciMLBase.EnsembleSolution`s

I was thinking about looking into reachability analysis, especially after seeing the JuliaCon 2021 workshop / content.

I understand that set propagation is scalable for linear systems, and numerical integration is scalable for nonlinear systems. These dynamics are nonlinear, and while I don’t know if they formally fit the definition of “chaotic dynamics”, they are certainly extremely sensitive to initial conditions. I’m a bit concerned that I’ll need a level of precision that set propagation won’t be able to provide (but like I said, I’m definitely going to try, if for no other reason than as an excuse to play around with ReachabilityAnalysis.jl).

The point about convexification is really interesting — I wasn’t aware that capability existed / was used. @mforets are you aware of any Julia implementations which “convexify” a discrete set? I searched a bit, but haven’t found any.