Interpolation using $ with @cfunction in a macro reported as a closure, thus won't work on Apple Silicon

The ArchGDAL.jl package is apparently using this for the GDALProgressFunc callback API.

It seems like the solution is to change the Julia package to use the void* argument (pProgressArg) to pass the closure argument, rather than forcing Julia to compile a new callback for every progressfunc argument it wants to handle (which apparently isn’t supported on M1). That is, they should define something like:

function progressfunc_wrapper(dfComplete::Cdouble, pszMessage::Ptr{UInt8}, pProgressArg::Any)::Cint
    pszMessage == C_NULL && return pProgressArg(dfComplete)
    return pProgressArg(dfComplete, unsafe_string(pszMessage))
const progressfunc_wrapper_c = @cfunction(progressfunc_wrapper, Cint, (Cdouble, Cstring, Any))

and then, any place you actually want to pass a progressfunc, you instead pass progressfunc_wrapper_c as the callback function and progressfunc as the callback-data argument.

In APIs that support a callback-data argument, like this one, the above is the approach I would recommend. It puts a lot fewer demands on the compiler.

(Also, then their progresscallback functions are simpler and more Julian. They are passed a Julia String as their optional “message” argument rather than a pointer, and can return true or false instead of a Cint, since progressfunc_wrapper handles the conversions.)