Cfunction: closures are not supported on this platform

I’ve been helping out on a wrapper for QT6, and I’m having problems with callbacks. Specifically, I get an error stating that “cfunction: closures are not supported on this platform”, and from what I gather, this seems to be specific to Apple Arm chips.

function clickedClear(displayWidget)
    setText(displayWidget, "")		# clear the displayWidget’s text
    show(displayWidget)				# redraw the displayWidget

app = QApplication(String[])				# make the QApplication
window = QWidget()							# make the window
displayBox = QLineEdit("", window)			# make a QLineEdit and fill it with an empty string
clearBtn = QPushButton( "clear", window )	# make a QPushbutton label ‘clear’
cc() = clickedClear(displayBox)				# callback passing displayBox widget
clicked!(clearBtn, cc)						# set the callback for clearBtn

How can I rewrite this so that it is kosher? From what I understand, the problem is that displayWidget is not in the same scope as the clickedClear() function.

Julia 1.11
MacOS 14.4.1
Apple M1 pro MacBook