I have a extremely large standard HDF5 file (2 TB) which saves a 3D array, let’s say B
. With HDF5.jl, I can access individual elements of the array in the same way as this thread shows: load-hdf5-file-larger-than-memory.
using HDF5
fid = h5open(fname, "r")
B = fid["B"] # size(B) = (10000, 10000, 4992), eltype(B) = Float32
B[10,10, 1] # this works
However, when I tried to perform interpolations over B
using Interpolations.jl, I got
using Interpolations
itp = extrapolate(interpolate(B, BSpline(Linear())), NaN)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching interpolate(::HDF5.Dataset, ::BSpline{Linear{Throw{OnGrid}}})
The function `interpolate` exists, but no method is defined for this combination of argument types.
Closest candidates are:
interpolate(::AbstractArray, ::IT, ::GT) where {IT<:Union{NoInterp, Tuple{Vararg{Union{NoInterp, BSpline}}}, BSpline}, GT<:Union{NoInterp, Tuple{Vararg{Union{NoInterp, Interpolations.GridType}}}, Interpolations.GridType}}
@ Interpolations ~/.julia/packages/Interpolations/91PhN/src/deprecations.jl:19
interpolate(::AbstractArray, ::IT) where IT<:Union{NoInterp, Tuple{Vararg{Union{NoInterp, BSpline}}}, BSpline}
@ Interpolations ~/.julia/packages/Interpolations/91PhN/src/b-splines/b-splines.jl:190
interpolate(::AbstractArray, ::IT, ::Real, ::Int64) where IT<:Union{NoInterp, Tuple{Vararg{Union{NoInterp, BSpline}}}, BSpline}
@ Interpolations ~/.julia/packages/Interpolations/91PhN/src/b-splines/b-splines.jl:217
This means that Interpolations.jl expects an AbstractArray as input, but HDF5.Dataset is not an AbstractArray. This array is so large that I cannot possibly read it into memory as a whole. Is it possible to interpolate over such large array?