The code posted here works fine and without error when used from the REPL.
In my use case I have a package MyPackage with the Module also called MyPackage that includes a submodule called MySubModule. MySubModule uses this code through an include statement. When I try to precompile my package it fails with the error shown below, but it executes fine. I suspect that the PR referred to by @TheCedarPrince means I don’t need all this code but have not been able to sort out what I need to do.
julia> using MyPackage
Precompiling MyPackage...
Info Given MyPackage was explicitly requested, output will be shown live
WARNING: Method definition connect(Type{LibPQ.Connection}, Any...) in module LibPQ at C:\Users\jakez\.julia\packages\LibPQ\i4yBe\src\dbinterface.jl:5 overwritten in module MySubModule at C:\Users\jakez\.julia\dev\MyPackage\src\general\FunPQ.jl:13.
ERROR: Method overwriting is not permitted during Module precompilation. Use `__precompile__(false)` to opt-out of precompilation.
? MyPackage
[ Info: Precompiling MyPackage[8dcd7bc5-9351-4069-b6f5-927426629c70] (cache misses: include_dependency fsize change (8))
WARNING: Method definition connect(Type{LibPQ.Connection}, Any...) in module LibPQ at C:\Users\jakez\.julia\packages\LibPQ\i4yBe\src\dbinterface.jl:5 overwritten in module Mcc172Acquire at C:\Users\jakez\.julia\dev\MyPackage\src\general\FunPQ.jl:13.
ERROR: Method overwriting is not permitted during Module precompilation. Use `__precompile__(false)` to opt-out of precompilation.
┌ Info: Skipping precompilation due to precompilable error. Importing MyPackage [8dcd7bc5-9351-4069-b6f5-927426629c70].
└ exception = Error when precompiling module, potentially caused by a __precompile__(false) declaration in the module.
When I comment out the code below the using LibPQ
statement, MyPackage precompiles but does not execute giving this error.
julia> foo()
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching connect(::Type{LibPQ.Connection}, ::String)
The function `connect` exists, but no method is defined for this combination of argument types.
Closest candidates are:
connect(::Type{FunSQL.SQLConnection{RawConnType}}, ::Any...; schema, dialect, cache, kws...) where RawConnType
@ FunSQL C:\Users\jakez\.julia\packages\FunSQL\FhUx7\src\connections.jl:77
[1] connect(::Type{FunSQL.SQLConnection{…}}, args::String; schema::Nothing, dialect::Nothing, cache::Int64, kws::@Kwargs{})
@ FunSQL C:\Users\jakez\.julia\packages\FunSQL\FhUx7\src\connections.jl:82
[2] connect(::Type{FunSQL.SQLConnection{LibPQ.Connection}}, args::String)
@ FunSQL C:\Users\jakez\.julia\packages\FunSQL\FhUx7\src\connections.jl:77
The FunSQL documentation indicates that I still need the commands that won’t precompile.
I am not able to figure out what I should be doing to allow precompilation. Help is appreciated.