Interface FunSQL with LibPQ using DBInterface

Thanks. I am not proficient with loading pull requests but was able to look over the source code of the changes made to LibPQ. I then added the new function ‘DBInterface.close!’ that was not included in the FunSQL manual. For reference for others looking at this my solution until the new LibPQ is released is below. This is similar to the PR.

using DBInterface
using FunSQL:
    FunSQL, Agg, Append, As, Asc, Bind, CrossJoin, Define, Desc, Fun, From,
    Get, Group, Highlight, Iterate, Join, LeftJoin, Limit, Lit, Order,
    Partition, Select, Sort, Var, Where, With, WithExternal, render
using LibPQ

#  bring libraries and helper functions into scope for integrating FunSQL and LibPQ

DBInterface.connect(::Type{LibPQ.Connection}, args...; kws...) =
LibPQ.Connection(args...; kws...)

DBInterface.prepare(conn::LibPQ.Connection, args...; kws...) =
LibPQ.prepare(conn, args...; kws...)

DBInterface.execute(conn::Union{LibPQ.Connection, LibPQ.Statement}, args...; kws...) =
LibPQ.execute(conn, args...; kws...)

DBInterface.close!(conn::LibPQ.Connection) = close(conn)