Hi guys, hope you’re all doing well!
I’m having a problem with turning interactive plotting off in Jupyter. I’ve included the packages/import statement and the plotting cell below:
using PyPlot
using Statistics
using StatsBase
c = sort(countmap(sort(configs), alg=:radixsort))
fig = figure("3x3_histogram",figsize=(15,10))
x, y = collect(keys(c)), collect(values(c))
p1 = scatter(x, y / 10000, s=1.5, color="red")
p2 = plot(energies)
pe = errorbar(x, y / 10000, yerr=y.^0.5 / 10000, fmt="o", color="green")
ax = gca()
Can anyone see the problem? Or has anyone ran into this kind of thing before? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks so much!