JET.jl is an experimental code analyzer for Julia:
Edit: I’ve made the following into a plugin for neovim:
The following post shows how to integrate JET.jl with null-ls.nvim.
My current version of neovim:
$ nvim --version | head -1
NVIM v0.6.0-dev+366-g270cc1d70
Add the following lua
block to your neovim configuration:
local null_ls = require("null-ls")
local helpers = require("null-ls.helpers")
local jet_julia = {
method = null_ls.methods.DIAGNOSTICS,
filetypes = { "julia" },
generator = null_ls.generator({
command = "jet",
to_stdin = true,
from_stderr = true,
timeout = 15000, -- arbitrary large number. Depending on how long JET takes, you may need to increase this number
format = "line",
check_exit_code = function(code)
return code <= 1
args = function(params)
local filename = params.bufname
return { filename }
on_output = helpers.diagnostics.from_patterns({
pattern = [[(%d+):(.*)]],
groups = { "row", "message" },
This will set up null-ls
to launch a command line process called jet
Next, create the following script called jet
. I store this in ~/local/bin/jet
#!/usr/bin/env julia --project=~/.julia/environments/nvim-null-ls
using JET
filename = ARGS[1]
function print_reports(io, result)
reports = JET.get_reports(result)
postprocess = JET.gen_postprocess(result.res.actual2virtual)
JET.with_bufferring(:color => get(io, :color, false)) do io
toplevel_linfo_hash = hash(:dummy)
wrote_linfos = Set{UInt64}()
for report in reports
new_toplevel_linfo_hash = hash(first(report.vst))
if toplevel_linfo_hash != new_toplevel_linfo_hash
toplevel_linfo_hash = new_toplevel_linfo_hash
wrote_linfos = Set{UInt64}()
print_report(io, report)
end |> postprocess |> (x->print(io::IO,x))
function print_report(io, report::JET.InferenceErrorReport, depth = 1)
if length(report.vst) == depth # error here
return print_error_report(io, report)
print_report(io, report, depth + 1)
function print_error_report(io, report::JET.InferenceErrorReport)
frame = report.vst[1]
printstyled(io, string(frame.line), ": ")
printstyled(io, report.msg, ": "; color = JET.ERROR_COLOR)
JET.print_signature(io, report.sig,
(; annotate_types = true); # always annotate types for errored signatures
bold = true,
function print_error_report(io, report)
printstyled(io, report.msg, "\n"; color = JET.ERROR_COLOR)
r = report_file(filename)
print_reports(stderr, r)
This must be available in your PATH. You will also have to make it executable, i.e. chmod +x ~/local/bin/jet
This script uses a shebang to run Julia with a project environment. You can create this environment anywhere and modify the project path in the script above to the appropriate location. Make sure you install JET.jl in that environment.
Finally, open any Julia file. The following is a couple of screenshots from the demo.jl
file in the JET repository.