I have a Julia package on GitHub for which I’d like to include installation instructions. However, the Julia code is in a subdirectory of the repo as this repo includes both a Julia and R version of the code.
I can’t figure out how remotely install the package from the subdirectory. My first pass was
I don’t have a solution for your problem, but as a workaround, you could git clone the repository (in the shell) and then in Julia pkg> add or pkg> dev the relevant path.
You can include a package name as the second argument. Pkg.clone("https://github.com/pistacliffcho/LatentChannelNetworks/tree/master/Julia/LatentChannelNetworks","packageName")
I think best practices is going to be split up the repo into an R and Julia implementation. I think it’s a bit sub-optimal to have a user clone a bunch of code they don’t want (i.e. R version) and then muck around with a subdirectory of the repo, rather than just call Pkg.add("blahblah").