Installation fails (on Ubuntu 22) when using instruction (via curl): `curl: (23) Failure writing output to destination`

Finally got round to loading 22.04.4 on QEMU and juliaup installed fine.

A couple of things that might be useful to look at

lsattr -d /tmp
uname -r

I’m not sure it’d be a great idea to keep using a tmp directory in your user folder, not sure what affect it might have.

At the moment I actually have Pop-OS on my machine, which is made by System76, and is what I thought they would ship their systems with. It’s probably irrelevant.


They can ship with Ubuntu if you ask for it (which I did, figured it would be better to have something that is of widespread use).

I will check

lsattr -d /tmp
uname -r

tomorrow. Thanks for the note, yeah, resetting things to how they were might be good.