Inside closures, captured constructors are much slower than captured functions

I have noticed that inside function closures, using a captured variable with a type value as a constructor is much slower than using a variable with a function value. Consider the following (silly) example:

function g(f, n)
    s = zero(f(n))
    foreach(1:n) do i
        s += f(i)


julia> @btime g(Int, 4);
  408.735 ns (1 allocation: 16 bytes)

julia> @btime g(x -> Int(x), 4);
  68.649 ns (1 allocation: 16 bytes)

This surprised me because constructors usually behave like functions.
Is this considered a bug, or is it just the way it is? In the latter case, would it make sense to mention it in the documentation section on the performance of captured variables?

Here’s the output of JET.@report_opt. The slower version has a more serious type instability. It seems that the lambda function x -> Int(x) is treated as if it has a more concrete type than Int.

julia> using JET

julia> include("testclosure.jl"); # defines `g(f, n)` as in the above post

julia> @report_opt g(Int, 4)
═════ 3 possible errors found ═════
β”Œ @ testclosure.jl:3 foreach(#3, 1 : n)
β”‚β”Œ @ abstractarray.jl:3073 f(x)
β”‚β”‚β”Œ @ testclosure.jl:4 %7(i)
β”‚β”‚β”‚ runtime dispatch detected: %7::DataType(i::Int64)::Any
β”‚β”‚β”Œ @ testclosure.jl:4 %6 + %8
β”‚β”‚β”‚ runtime dispatch detected: (%6::Any + %8::Any)::Any
β”Œ @ testclosure.jl:2 s = Core.Box()
β”‚ captured variable `s` detected

julia> @report_opt g(x -> Int(x), 4)
═════ 2 possible errors found ═════
β”Œ @ testclosure.jl:3 foreach(#3, 1 : n)
β”‚β”Œ @ abstractarray.jl:3073 f(x)
β”‚β”‚β”Œ @ testclosure.jl:4 %6 + i
β”‚β”‚β”‚ runtime dispatch detected: (%6::Any + i::Int64)::Any
β”Œ @ testclosure.jl:2 s = Core.Box()
β”‚ captured variable `s` detected

Anytime you see something like this, get used to doing this:

julia> using Cthulhu

julia> @descend g(Int, 4)

As pointed out by @greatpet, you’ll quickly see that your usage for foreach results in a Core.Box due to this issue.

EDIT: maybe this is what you meant by

would it make sense to mention it in the documentation section on the performance of captured variables?

I don’t think it’s that much of a special case, but if you think you can come up with something that adds to that discussion, try submitting a PR?

Once you fix that, you may (?) also need to force-specialize on f, i.e., g(f::F, n) where F to circumvent Julia’s heuristics for not specializing on types-as-arguments.

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