I am a julia beginner. I am working on a large structural (economic) model. But, the problem is that one iteration of the entire model takes 395 seconds, and its 42.84% consists of gc time. My suspicion is that the following code causes such high gc time, but I am not 100% sure.
using BenchmarkTools
function insert_value2!(array_val, array_b, array_l, array_τ, current_val, b_pol, l_pol, τ_pol)
if current_val > first(array_val)
ii = searchsortedlast(array_val, current_val)
if ii!= 1
copyto!(array_val, [@view array_val[2:ii]; current_val])
copyto!(array_b, [@view array_b[2:ii]; b_pol])
copyto!(array_l, [@view array_l[2:ii]; l_pol])
copyto!(array_τ, [@view array_τ[2:ii]; τ_pol])
array_val[1] = current_val
array_b[1] = b_pol
array_l[1] = l_pol
array_τ[1] = τ_pol
array_val = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0];
array_b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
array_l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
array_τ = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
current_val = 2.5;
b_pol = 2;
l_pol = 2;
τ_pol = 2;
@btime insert_value2!(array_val, array_b, array_l, array_τ, current_val, b_pol, l_pol, τ_pol);
I got some hint from here when I wrote down this code. In the actual code, the size of each array is 200, and this function is inside of multiple loops (approximately, 81 \times 51 \times 21 \times 81). Thus, the efficiency is essential. The feature of this code is that the rearrangement is initiated by current_val
. Also, each array is weakly increasing. Except array_val
, all arrays are weakly increasing integer array. Is this causing high gc time? Is there a better way to speed up? Thanks!