Initialization of R fails on julia 1.1

The following discussion is initiated by the bug report of RCall.jl Error C stack usage too close to the limit (when precompiling w Julia 1.2) · Issue #289 · JuliaInterop/RCall.jl · GitHub
saying that RCall.jl is not working on julia 1.1.

The simpliest reproducible result is the following code. Just copy this piece of code to julia REPL.

Rhome = readchomp(`R RHOME`)
ENV["R_HOME"] = Rhome
ENV["R_DOC_DIR"] = joinpath(Rhome,"doc")
ENV["R_INCLUDE_DIR"] = joinpath(Rhome,"include")
ENV["R_SHARE_DIR"] = joinpath(Rhome,"share")
const libR = Rhome * "/lib/libR.dylib"    # mac
# const libR = Rhome * "/lib/"    # linux
argv = ["REmbeddedJulia","--silent","--no-save"]

The above piece of code is working fine on julia 1.0 but not on julia 1.1, so it means that there is a change in julia which breaks this.

Interestingly enough, if one save the above code to a script file and run julia script.jl non-interactively, it will run without an error. It means the change of julia 1.1 which breaks RCall.jl is related to the REPL.

I would like to do a git bisect but I don’t want to do the buildings manually, is there any place for me to download the commit builds?

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No, but if you build with ccache, it tends to be fairly quick.