As suggested in, I also believe that Julia’s ABI needs to be sorted out.
In addition to the public/private distinction, IMO, it might be better to promote more modularization, even for private data and definitions.
One of the problems I’m facing is the inclusion of c/cpp files.
$ grep -nrE "#include .+\.cp?p?\"" src | sort
src/builtins.c:401:#include "iddict.c"
src/ccall.cpp:313:#include "abi_llvm.cpp"
src/ccall.cpp:315:#include "abi_arm.cpp"
src/ccall.cpp:316:#include "abi_aarch64.cpp"
src/ccall.cpp:317:#include "abi_ppc64le.cpp"
src/ccall.cpp:318:#include "abi_win32.cpp"
src/ccall.cpp:319:#include "abi_win64.cpp"
src/ccall.cpp:320:#include "abi_x86_64.cpp"
src/ccall.cpp:321:#include "abi_x86.cpp"
src/codegen.cpp:1443:#include "cgutils.cpp"
src/codegen.cpp:2133:#include "intrinsics.cpp"
src/crc32c.c:66:#include "crc32c-tables.c"
src/flisp/flisp.c:411:#include "cvalues.c"
src/flisp/flisp.c:412:#include "types.c"
src/flisp/flisp.c:419:#include "print.c"
src/flisp/flisp.c:811:#include "read.c"
src/flisp/flisp.c:815:#include "equal.c"
src/intrinsics.cpp:7:#include "ccall.cpp"
src/processor.cpp:841:#include "processor_x86.cpp"
src/processor.cpp:845:#include "processor_arm.cpp"
src/processor.cpp:849:#include "processor_fallback.cpp"
src/signal-handling.c:124:#include "signals-win.c"
src/signal-handling.c:126:#include "signals-unix.c"
src/signals-unix.c:229:#include "signals-mach.c"
src/support/hashing.c:51:#include "MurmurHash3.c"
I understand the rationale behind such a technique, but I think the disadvantages are greater. In particular, the chain “codegen.cpp” → “intrinsics.cpp” → “ccall.cpp” seems to inherit too many contexts.
I am unable to understand these codes without the assistance of the IDEs, and I use the VS Code as my IDE, but the IntelliSense and some static code analyzers also work hardly at all. Do you use any useful extensions?
I would like to make some improvements, but I am not sure where to start or what should be kept. I also don’t know whether this issue is shared among the developers.
Do you have any advice for me?