I’m looking to find duplicates within an array (an exercise from the Think Julia text).
I’ve got it working for numerical values, but not sure how to generalize to strings as well. Parse? Find?
function hasduplicates(arr)
arr2 = arr[:]
if typeof(arr2[1]) == String
for c in arr2
arr2[c] = typeof(parse(Int64, arr2[c]))
for c in arr2
if c < length(arr2) && arr2[c] ≡ arr2[c+1]
return true
hasduplicates(["hello", "goodbye"])
nextind might be suitable to search more elements in strings or arrays.
function hasdup(xs::AbstractVector)
found = Set{Int}()
for x in xs
x = toint(x)
x in found && return true
push!(found, x)
toint(x::Int) = x
toint(x::String) = parse(Int, x)
I’m getting errors to do with my use of < in my if statement. I might also be falling off the edge, but not sure how to handle the boolean expression first.
What do you mean by typeof(arr2[1]) == String?
It seems that you didn’t properly consider the exercise. Local variable c here is likely to have String type(at least for arr2[1]), and you index an array with a string, which will constantly raise a TypeError.
function hasduplicates(arr::AbstractVector{Int64})
# your original implementation
function hasduplicates(arr::AbstractVector{String}
hasduplicates(parse.(Int64, arr))
If you have an array of strings and all you cared about is finding duplicates then you can do the following
julia> arr = ["apple","banana","cherry","banana"]
4-element Array{String,1}:
julia> sorted_arr = sort(arr)
4-element Array{String,1}:
julia> for k = 2:length(sorted_arr)
if sorted_arr[k-1] == sorted_arr[k]
println("Found a duplicate string at $(k-1)")
Found a duplicate string at 2
This should be faster than length(xs) != length(Set(xs)) too, since it would bail out early.
I don’t understand much of your code, though. It looks like it wouldn’t work for any strings except numerical strings, since you are doing parse(Int, ...). Also, this
Here, c is an element of arr2, but then you use it as an index?