I’m working on making a structural analysis code base work smoothly with Automatic Differentiation, specifically Zygote for its generally friendly interface. In short, a major performance bottleneck is the assembly of the global stiffness matrix K for an eventual linear solve to determine structural deformation.
To make use of constant-once-first-assembled sparsity pattern of the matrix, i’m trying to make each iteration simply generate a new non-zero value vector K.nzval
, after which an updated sparse matrix can be more efficiently generated by reusing the original K.colptr, K.rowval
, etc.
I’m making use of Zygote Buffers to make array mutation possible in the creation of the new nzval
vector. However, I’m finding that initiating a new buffer has inconsistent values for Buffer.data
, which affects the final outcome. Creating a buffer from a zero’d vector does not have all zeros for Buffer.data
; generating a buffer from the original nzval
vector also does not maintain the same values.
Am I misusing these buffers in some way? Or are there any suggestions to efficiently reassemble large sparse matrices for automatic differentiation?
Here’s a minimum working example with nonsense values, but the principle is the same:
using SparseArrays, Zygote
#initial sparse matrix
M = sprand(5000, 5000, .01)
#reuse the same sparsity pattern
m, n = size(M)
colp = M.colptr
rowv = M.rowval
nzv = M.nzval
#dummy indices that point to positions in S.nzval that need updating
n_updates = 1000
dim_update = 6
nzindices = [rand(1:length(nzv), dim_update) for _ in 1:n_updates]
updatevals = [rand(dim_update) for _ in 1:n_updates]
nznew = zero(nzv)
for (index, value) in zip(nzindices, updatevals)
nznew[index] .+= value
newS_nobuffer = SparseMatrixCSC(m, n, colp, rowv, nznew)
#with buffers (CAN BE AD'd, BUT INCONSISTENT)
nzbuff = Zygote.Buffer(zero(nzv))
for (index, value) in zip(nzindices, updatevals)
nzbuff[index] .+= value
newS_buffer = SparseMatrixCSC(m, n, colp, rowv, copy(nzbuff))
#compare the two
norm(newS_nobuffer .- newS_buffer)
# this will give a different value each time
for _ = 1:100
nzbuff = Zygote.Buffer(zero(nzv))
for (index, value) in zip(nzindices, updatevals)
nzbuff[index] .+= value
newS_buffer = SparseMatrixCSC(m, n, colp, rowv, copy(nzbuff))
norm(newS_nobuffer .- newS_buffer)