In search of categorical color scheme families: dark, same perceptual brightness

And also feel free to open a PR or issue at GitHub - JuliaGraphics/ColorSchemes.jl: colorschemes, colormaps, gradients, and palettes - I collect them all!

If you want to follow the advice of
a dataviz specialist, and communicator,
you can find a lot of articles by
Lisa Charlotte Muth, who works at
datawrapper in Berlin. She explains
how to choose color palettes, based on what they are encoding, and the information
you want to convey through your charts
. Lisa is very popular in the dataviz
community, and has over 34000 followers
on twitter, where she mainly posts tips
to get good vizualizations.
These are two such approaches:


From my own experimentations, 6 colour is more or less the limit of what you can achieve, but is possible. But those colours will vary in luminance and chroma quite a bit. If good distinguishability is the only goal though, it is doable, results forthcoming.
This is all for criterion 1.
Targeting specific printers is an absolute nightmare and if itā€™s absolutely critical, you need to either have control over the quality and/or have to do manual testing, or should probably refrain from using 5 colours in the first place (e.g. scientific posters). Luckily most use cases are mostly or purely digital these days and most displays are not terrible (though you can still run into them in very cheap laptops).
And I mean if the projector has an issueā€¦ then it has an issue. Iā€™d probably stick to only black and white, not even grey, if you want to be safe from that kind of thing.

I would generally caution against using colours as dark as Maroon and Navy in the palette. While their CIEDE2000 distance might be sufficient, luminance also needs to be considered in isolation as we often intuitively group everything darker than a certain threshold with black based on the anecdotal feedback Iā€™ve gathered. Same with readability of very bright colours on white, even though they are clearly distinct (that yellow is just on the edge of what Iā€™d consider okay).

Will do! If my assumptions hold, I will definitely be trying to spread the colour scheme as itā€™s a clear improvement over previous efforts.


For what its worth, Penumbra includes colors that are indistinguishable for me. Blue and green in Paul Tolā€™s ā€œBrightā€ are also nearly indistinguishable. My tritanopia isnā€™t completeā€“I can see small differences between the ā€œNormal Visionā€ and ā€œTritanopiaā€ images at Midtown Optometry - Different Types of Color Blindness and Distinguishing Them.

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Following up on this topic: did you make this public?