In BAT.jl I'm unable to find the Log Denstiy Value

data = vcat(
    rand(Normal(-1.0, 0.5), 500),
    rand(Normal( 2.0, 0.5), 1000)
hist = append!(Histogram(-2:0.1:4), data)
function fit_function(p::NamedTuple{(:a, :mu, :sigma)}, x::Real)
    p.a[1] * pdf(Normal([1], p.sigma), x) +
    p.a[2] * pdf(Normal([2], p.sigma), x)
true_par_values = (a = [500, 1000], mu = (-1.0, 2.0), sigma = 0.5)
using BAT, IntervalSets
likelihood = let h = hist, f = fit_function
    # Histogram counts for each bin as an array:
    observed_counts = h.weights

    # Histogram binning:
    bin_edges = h.edges[1]
    bin_edges_left = bin_edges[1:end-1]
    bin_edges_right = bin_edges[2:end]
    bin_widths = bin_edges_right - bin_edges_left
    bin_centers = (bin_edges_right + bin_edges_left) / 2

    params -> begin
        # Log-likelihood for a single bin:
        function bin_log_likelihood(i)
            # Simple mid-point rule integration of fit function `f` over bin:
            expected_counts = bin_widths[i] * f(params, bin_centers[i])
            logpdf(Poisson(expected_counts), observed_counts[i])

        # Sum log-likelihood over bins:
        idxs = eachindex(observed_counts)
        ll_value = bin_log_likelihood(idxs[1])
        for i in idxs[2:end]
            ll_value += bin_log_likelihood(i)

        # Wrap `ll_value` in `LogDVal` so BAT knows it's a log density-value.
        return LogDVal(ll_value)

I just went through the tutoroial for BAT.jl, and am that LogDVal is not defined. Am I missing a parackage, or is a function not defined?