Hi. Thanks a lot. I will print the results from the profiler. I am quite bad at interpreting this, but it is clear that interpolations is costly. There may be other concerns as well, however.
I need to truncate the output in order to fit it within the space limit.
75╎ ╎ 55961 @Optim\src\maximize.jl:17; (::Optim.var"#127#128"{var"#38#40"{Int64, Int64, Int64, var"#V_fun#43"{F...
4╎ ╎ 4 @Base\float.jl:320; -(x::Float64)
420╎ ╎ 55882 ...Research\LUS heterogeneous agents\Julia\MWE.jl:211; (::var"#38#40"{Int64, Int64, Int64, var"#V_fun#43"{Float64, Vector{Flo...
1465╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1465 @Base\math.jl:899; ^
264╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 264 @Base\boot.jl:448; Array
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\set.jl:391; allunique(C::Vector{Float64})
7╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 7 @Base\set.jl:397; allunique(C::Vector{Float64})
14╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 287 @Base\set.jl:399; allunique(C::Vector{Float64})
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\Base.jl:0; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
37╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 37 @Base\dict.jl:305; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 11 @Base\dict.jl:307; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
4╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\Base.jl:33; getproperty
7╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 7 @Base\array.jl:197; length
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\dict.jl:309; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
2╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\Base.jl:33; getproperty
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 126 @Base\dict.jl:310; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 126 @Base\dict.jl:169; hashindex
254╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 254 @Base\boot.jl:448; Array
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 6 @Base\array.jl:504; zeros
6╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 6 @Base\array.jl:406; fill!
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 588 @Base\dict.jl:193; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
588╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 588 @Base\boot.jl:448; Array
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1000 @Base\dict.jl:194; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
1000╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1000 @Base\boot.jl:448; Array
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\dict.jl:199; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 192 @Base\dict.jl:210; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
192╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 192 @Base\array.jl:839; setindex!
23╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 24 @Interpolations\src\gridded\gridded.jl:47; Interpolations.GriddedInterpolation(#unused#::Type{Float64}, knots:...
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Interpolations\src\gridded\gridded.jl:18; GriddedInterpolation
╎ ╎ ╎ 8 ...rpolations\src\extrapolation\extrapolation.jl:48; Extrapolation
╎ ╎ ╎ 3 @Interpolations\src\Interpolations.jl:147; bounds
╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Interpolations\src\gridded\gridded.jl:175; lbounds
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\broadcast.jl:883; materialize
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\broadcast.jl:1098; copy
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\ntuple.jl:48; ntuple
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\broadcast.jl:1098; #19
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\broadcast.jl:620; _broadcast_getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\broadcast.jl:645; _getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\broadcast.jl:598; _broadcast_getindex
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\tuple.jl:29; getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\broadcast.jl:621; _broadcast_getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\broadcast.jl:648; _broadcast_getindex_evalf
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\abstractarray.jl:368; first
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\array.jl:801; getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Interpolations\src\gridded\gridded.jl:176; ubounds
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\broadcast.jl:883; materialize
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\broadcast.jl:1098; copy
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\ntuple.jl:48; ntuple
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\broadcast.jl:1098; #19
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\broadcast.jl:621; _broadcast_getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\broadcast.jl:648; _broadcast_getindex_evalf
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\abstractarray.jl:437; last
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\array.jl:801; getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ 5 ...polations\src\extrapolation\extrapolation.jl:102; inbounds_position
╎ ╎ ╎ 5 ...polations\src\extrapolation\extrapolation.jl:108; inbounds_index
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 5 ...olations\src\extrapolation\extrapolation.jl:128; inbounds_index
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 ...olations\src\extrapolation\extrapolation.jl:131; inbounds_index
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 ...olations\src\extrapolation\extrapolation.jl:148; minp
2╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\math.jl:726; min
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 3 ...olations\src\extrapolation\extrapolation.jl:150; maxp
3╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 3 @Base\math.jl:722; max
╎ ╎ ╎ 20 ...rpolations\src\extrapolation\extrapolation.jl:49; Extrapolation
╎ ╎ ╎ 17 @Interpolations\src\gridded\indexing.jl:4; GriddedInterpolation
╎ ╎ ╎ 17 @Interpolations\src\b-splines\indexing.jl:66; weightedindexes
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 17 @Interpolations\src\b-splines\indexing.jl:70; map3argf
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 15 @Interpolations\src\gridded\indexing.jl:55; weightedindex_parts
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 15 @Interpolations\src\gridded\indexing.jl:51; find_knot_index
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 15 @Base\sort.jl:295; searchsortedfirst
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\sort.jl:0; searchsortedfirst
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\sort.jl:183; searchsortedfirst
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\sort.jl:170; midpoint
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\int.jl:86; -
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 13 @Base\sort.jl:184; searchsortedfirst
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 13 @Base\ordering.jl:109; lt
13╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 13 @Base\float.jl:381; isless
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Interpolations\src\gridded\indexing.jl:56; weightedindex_parts
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Interpolations\src\gridded\indexing.jl:61; weightedindex_parts2
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\math.jl:65; clamp
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Interpolations\src\gridded\indexing.jl:62; weightedindex_parts2
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Interpolations\src\gridded\indexing.jl:72; weightedindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Interpolations\src\utils.jl:10; fmap
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Interpolations\src\utils.jl:11; _fmap
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Interpolations\src\b-splines\linear.jl:54; value_weights
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\promotion.jl:323; -
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\float.jl:329; -
╎ ╎ ╎ 3 @Interpolations\src\gridded\indexing.jl:5; GriddedInterpolation
╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\abstractarray.jl:1170; getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Interpolations\src\Interpolations.jl:285; _getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Interpolations\src\Interpolations.jl:319; interp_getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Interpolations\src\Interpolations.jl:329; macro expansion
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\float.jl:326; +
╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Interpolations\src\gridded\gridded.jl:141; coefficients
2╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\Base.jl:33; getproperty
5╎ ╎ ╎ 49626 ...esearch\LUS heterogeneous agents\Julia\MWE.jl:147; bellman(a_prime::Float64, ia::Int64, is::Int64, iom::Int64, V_fun::var...
2╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\array.jl:0; (::var"#V_fun#43"{Float64, Vector{Float64}})(x::Float64, is::Int64, i...
26╎ ╎ ╎ 26 @Base\float.jl:332; *
6╎ ╎ ╎ 6 @Base\float.jl:326; +
2╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\float.jl:335; /
373╎ ╎ ╎ 373 @Base\math.jl:899; ^
3╎ ╎ ╎ 3 @Base\math.jl:900; ^
7╎ ╎ ╎ 11 @Base\math.jl:722; max
4╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\floatfuncs.jl:15; signbit
╎ ╎ ╎ 10 @Base\range.jl:674; iterate
10╎ ╎ ╎ 10 @Base\promotion.jl:410; ==
7╎ ╎ ╎ 7 ...esearch\LUS heterogeneous agents\Julia\MWE.jl:0; (::var"#V_fun#43"{Float64, Vector{Float64}})(x::Float64, is::Int64, i...
39╎ ╎ ╎ 49181 ...esearch\LUS heterogeneous agents\Julia\MWE.jl:237; (::var"#V_fun#43"{Float64, Vector{Float64}})(x::Float64, is::Int64, i...
╎ ╎ ╎ 14904 @Base\broadcast.jl:883; materialize
╎ ╎ ╎ 14904 @Base\broadcast.jl:908; copy
╎ ╎ ╎ 13761 @Base\broadcast.jl:936; copyto!
3╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 3 @Base\broadcast.jl:0; copyto!
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 11 @Base\broadcast.jl:972; copyto!
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 11 @Base\tuple.jl:362; ==
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 11 @Base\tuple.jl:366; _eq
9╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 9 @Base\range.jl:802; ==
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\range.jl:804; ==
2╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\promotion.jl:410; ==
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 8 @Base\broadcast.jl:980; copyto!
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 8 @Base\broadcast.jl:963; preprocess
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 8 @Base\broadcast.jl:966; preprocess_args
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 8 @Base\broadcast.jl:967; preprocess_args
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 8 @Base\broadcast.jl:963; preprocess
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 8 @Base\broadcast.jl:966; preprocess_args
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 8 @Base\broadcast.jl:964; preprocess
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 8 @Base\broadcast.jl:957; broadcast_unalias
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 8 @Base\abstractarray.jl:1349; unalias
2╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\abstractarray.jl:0; mightalias
5╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 6 @Base\abstractarray.jl:1384; mightalias
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\abstractarray.jl:1408; dataids
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\abstractarray.jl:1116; pointer
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\pointer.jl:65; unsafe_convert
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 13739 @Base\broadcast.jl:983; copyto!
118╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 118 @Base\simdloop.jl:0; macro expansion
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 3 @Base\simdloop.jl:72; macro expansion
3╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 3 @Base\int.jl:83; <
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 13618 @Base\simdloop.jl:77; macro expansion
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 13618 @Base\broadcast.jl:984; macro expansion
1070╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1070 @Base\array.jl:839; setindex!
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 12548 @Base\broadcast.jl:575; getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 12449 @Base\broadcast.jl:620; _broadcast_getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 12449 @Base\broadcast.jl:644; _getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 12449 @Base\broadcast.jl:645; _getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\broadcast.jl:620; _broadcast_getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\broadcast.jl:644; _getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\broadcast.jl:614; _broadcast_getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\subarray.jl:309; getindex
4╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\array.jl:801; getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 12445 @Base\broadcast.jl:621; _broadcast_getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 12445 @Base\broadcast.jl:648; _broadcast_getindex_evalf
12362╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 12362 @Base\math.jl:899; ^
82╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 83 @Base\math.jl:900; ^
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\float.jl:449; isnan
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\float.jl:368; !=
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 99 @Base\broadcast.jl:621; _broadcast_getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 99 @Base\broadcast.jl:648; _broadcast_getindex_evalf
99╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 99 @Base\float.jl:332; *
╎ ╎ ╎ 1143 @Base\broadcast.jl:196; similar
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1143 @Base\broadcast.jl:197; similar
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1143 @Base\abstractarray.jl:784; similar
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1143 @Base\abstractarray.jl:785; similar
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1143 @Base\boot.jl:465; Array
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1143 @Base\boot.jl:457; Array
1143╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1143 @Base\boot.jl:448; Array
╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\subarray.jl:176; view
╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\indices.jl:324; to_indices
╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\abstractarray.jl:89; axes
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\array.jl:135; size
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\ntuple.jl:50; ntuple
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\array.jl:135; #85
4╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\array.jl:132; size
9╎ ╎ ╎ 12 @Base\subarray.jl:177; view
1╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\abstractarray.jl:0; checkbounds
2╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\abstractarray.jl:616; checkbounds
╎ ╎ ╎ 33975 @Interpolations\src\convenience-constructors.jl:9; LinearInterpolation##kw
╎ ╎ ╎ 33975 @Interpolations\src\convenience-constructors.jl:9; #LinearInterpolation#53
3╎ ╎ ╎ 33975 @Interpolations\src\gridded\gridded.jl:166; interpolate
31╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 31 @Interpolations\src\gridded\gridded.jl:148; interpolate(#unused#::Type{Float64}, #unused#::Type{Float64}, knots...
3363╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 33941 @Interpolations\src\gridded\gridded.jl:149; interpolate(#unused#::Type{Float64}, #unused#::Type{Float64}, knots...
311╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 311 @Interpolations\src\gridded\gridded.jl:37; Interpolations.GriddedInterpolation(#unused#::Type{Float64}, knots:...
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 29727 @Interpolations\src\gridded\gridded.jl:40; Interpolations.GriddedInterpolation(#unused#::Type{Float64}, knots:...
55╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 55 @Base\array.jl:0; issorted
104╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 104 @Base\sort.jl:0; issorted
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\sort.jl:57; issorted
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\array.jl:777; iterate
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\array.jl:777; iterate
2╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\array.jl:801; getindex
47╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 47 @Base\sort.jl:61; issorted
21╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 650 @Base\sort.jl:63; issorted
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 629 @Base\ordering.jl:109; lt
629╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 629 @Base\float.jl:381; isless
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 25 @Base\sort.jl:65; issorted
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 25 @Base\array.jl:777; iterate
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 25 @Base\int.jl:448; <
25╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 25 @Base\int.jl:441; <
6╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 28818 @Interpolations\src\gridded\gridded.jl:76; check_gridded
9╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 9 @Base\int.jl:0; allunique(C::Vector{Float64})
30╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 30 @Base\set.jl:0; allunique(C::Vector{Float64})
42╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 42 @Base\set.jl:384; allunique(C::Vector{Float64})
12╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2999 @Base\set.jl:385; allunique(C::Vector{Float64})
29╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 29 @Base\dict.jl:88; Dict{Float64, Nothing}()
389╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2958 @Base\dict.jl:90; Dict{Float64, Nothing}()
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 538 @Base\array.jl:499; zeros
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 521 @Base\array.jl:503; zeros
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 521 @Base\boot.jl:457; Array
521╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 521 @Base\boot.jl:448; Array
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 17 @Base\array.jl:504; zeros
14╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 17 @Base\array.jl:406; fill!
3╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 3 @Base\array.jl:197; length
2031╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2031 @Base\boot.jl:448; Array
62╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 62 @Base\set.jl:397; allunique(C::Vector{Float64})
134╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2972 @Base\set.jl:399; allunique(C::Vector{Float64})
68╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 68 @Base\Base.jl:0; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
382╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 382 @Base\dict.jl:305; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 73 @Base\dict.jl:307; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
37╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 37 @Base\Base.jl:33; getproperty
36╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 36 @Base\array.jl:197; length
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 16 @Base\dict.jl:309; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
16╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 16 @Base\Base.jl:33; getproperty
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1394 @Base\dict.jl:310; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1394 @Base\dict.jl:169; hashindex
130╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1314 @Base\hashing.jl:18; hash
64╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 64 @Base\float.jl:0; hash(x::Float64, h::UInt64)
103╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 103 @Base\float.jl:465; hash(x::Float64, h::UInt64)
109╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 150 @Base\float.jl:467; hash(x::Float64, h::UInt64)
41╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 41 @Base\float.jl:374; <=
17╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 17 @Base\float.jl:468; hash(x::Float64, h::UInt64)
133╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 216 @Base\float.jl:469; hash(x::Float64, h::UInt64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 83 @Base\operators.jl:129; isequal
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 83 @Base\operators.jl:125; signequal
51╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 51 @Base\floatfuncs.jl:15; signbit
32╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 32 @Base\promotion.jl:410; ==
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 12 @Base\float.jl:470; hash(x::Float64, h::UInt64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 11 @Base\hashing.jl:71; hash
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 11 @Base\hashing.jl:62; hash_uint64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\hashing.jl:29; hash_64_64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\int.jl:464; <<
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\int.jl:457; <<
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\int.jl:285; ~
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 3 @Base\hashing.jl:30; hash_64_64
3╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 3 @Base\int.jl:333; xor
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\hashing.jl:32; hash_64_64
2╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\int.jl:333; xor
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\hashing.jl:33; hash_64_64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\operators.jl:560; +
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\int.jl:87; +
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 3 @Base\hashing.jl:34; hash_64_64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 3 @Base\int.jl:462; >>
3╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 3 @Base\int.jl:456; >>
45╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 622 @Base\float.jl:480; hash(x::Float64, h::UInt64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 515 @Base\hashing.jl:62; hash_uint64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 106 @Base\hashing.jl:29; hash_64_64
21╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 21 @Base\int.jl:87; +
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 5 @Base\int.jl:464; <<
5╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 5 @Base\int.jl:457; <<
80╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 80 @Base\int.jl:285; ~
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 73 @Base\hashing.jl:30; hash_64_64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 67 @Base\int.jl:462; >>
67╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 67 @Base\int.jl:456; >>
6╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 6 @Base\int.jl:333; xor
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 25 @Base\hashing.jl:31; hash_64_64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 25 @Base\operators.jl:560; +
25╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 25 @Base\int.jl:87; +
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 78 @Base\hashing.jl:32; hash_64_64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 76 @Base\int.jl:462; >>
76╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 76 @Base\int.jl:456; >>
2╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\int.jl:333; xor
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 72 @Base\hashing.jl:33; hash_64_64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 72 @Base\operators.jl:560; +
72╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 72 @Base\int.jl:87; +
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 64 @Base\hashing.jl:34; hash_64_64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 34 @Base\int.jl:462; >>
34╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 34 @Base\int.jl:456; >>
30╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 30 @Base\int.jl:333; xor
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 97 @Base\hashing.jl:35; hash_64_64
97╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 97 @Base\int.jl:87; +
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 30 @Base\int.jl:923; *
30╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 30 @Base\int.jl:88; *
32╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 32 @Base\int.jl:86; -
27╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 27 @Base\int.jl:309; &
30╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 30 @Base\int.jl:87; +
23╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 23 @Base\int.jl:86; -
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 23 @Base\dict.jl:312; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
23╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 23 @Base\Base.jl:33; getproperty
194╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 270 @Base\dict.jl:315; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 76 @Base\dict.jl:171; isslotempty
13╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 13 @Base\Base.jl:0; getindex
24╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 24 @Base\Base.jl:0; getproperty
39╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 39 @Base\array.jl:801; getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 58 @Base\dict.jl:316; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
58╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 58 @Base\int.jl:83; <
208╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 224 @Base\dict.jl:319; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
16╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 16 @Base\int.jl:85; -
36╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 142 @Base\dict.jl:328; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
39╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 39 @Base\Base.jl:0; getindex
37╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 37 @Base\array.jl:801; getindex
30╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 30 @Base\float.jl:0; isequal
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 25 @Base\dict.jl:332; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
15╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 15 @Base\int.jl:309; &
10╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 10 @Base\int.jl:87; +
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 37 @Base\dict.jl:333; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
37╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 37 @Base\int.jl:87; +
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 16 @Base\dict.jl:334; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 16 @Base\operators.jl:305; >
16╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 16 @Base\int.jl:83; <
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 7 @Base\dict.jl:337; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
7╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 7 @Base\int.jl:83; <
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 11 @Base\dict.jl:339; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 6 @Base\int.jl:462; >>
6╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 6 @Base\int.jl:455; >>
3╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 5 @Base\promotion.jl:421; max
2╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\int.jl:83; <
6╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 14 @Base\dict.jl:341; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
8╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 8 @Base\int.jl:83; <
18╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 34 @Base\dict.jl:342; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 16 @Base\dict.jl:172; isslotfilled
16╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 16 @Base\promotion.jl:410; ==
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\dict.jl:343; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
2╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 2 @Base\Base.jl:34; setproperty!
25╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 32 @Base\dict.jl:344; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
7╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 7 @Base\int.jl:85; -
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 7 @Base\dict.jl:346; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
6╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 6 @Base\int.jl:309; &
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\int.jl:87; +
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 3 @Base\dict.jl:347; ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, key::Float64)
3╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 3 @Base\int.jl:87; +
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 15 @Base\set.jl:400; allunique(C::Vector{Float64})
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 15 @Base\operators.jl:305; >
15╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 15 @Base\int.jl:83; <
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 22577 @Base\set.jl:401; allunique(C::Vector{Float64})
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 145 @Base\dict.jl:356; _setindex!
13╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 13 @Base\Base.jl:33; getproperty
132╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 132 @Base\array.jl:839; setindex!
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 510 @Base\dict.jl:357; _setindex!
116╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 116 @Base\Base.jl:33; getproperty
394╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 394 @Base\array.jl:839; setindex!
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 89 @Base\dict.jl:358; _setindex!
66╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 66 @Base\Base.jl:33; getproperty
23╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 23 @Base\array.jl:839; setindex!
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 93 @Base\dict.jl:359; _setindex!
12╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 12 @Base\Base.jl:33; getproperty
37╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 37 @Base\Base.jl:34; setproperty!
44╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 44 @Base\int.jl:87; +
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 7 @Base\dict.jl:360; _setindex!
7╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 7 @Base\Base.jl:34; setproperty!
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 120 @Base\dict.jl:361; _setindex!
22╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 22 @Base\Base.jl:33; getproperty
98╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 98 @Base\int.jl:83; <
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 140 @Base\dict.jl:367; _setindex!
52╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 52 @Base\int.jl:88; *
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 27 @Base\int.jl:462; >>
27╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 27 @Base\int.jl:455; >>
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 26 @Base\operators.jl:305; >
26╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 26 @Base\int.jl:83; <
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 35 @Base\operators.jl:352; >=
35╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 35 @Base\int.jl:442; <=
7╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 21395 @Base\dict.jl:369; _setindex!
1╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1 @Base\array.jl:0; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
273╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 273 @Base\dict.jl:0; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
82╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 82 @Base\dict.jl:175; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 15 @Base\dict.jl:176; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
15╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 15 @Base\Base.jl:33; getproperty
3007╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 3007 @Base\boot.jl:448; Array
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 61 @Base\array.jl:504; zeros
47╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 61 @Base\array.jl:406; fill!
14╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 14 @Base\array.jl:197; length
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 5026 @Base\dict.jl:193; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
5026╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 5026 @Base\boot.jl:448; Array
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 8834 @Base\dict.jl:194; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
8834╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 8834 @Base\boot.jl:448; Array
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 10 @Base\dict.jl:199; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
6╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 10 @Base\range.jl:670; iterate
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\range.jl:519; isempty
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\operators.jl:305; >
4╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 4 @Base\int.jl:83; <
68╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 186 @Base\dict.jl:200; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
29╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 29 @Base\array.jl:801; getindex
89╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 89 @Base\promotion.jl:410; ==
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 117 @Base\dict.jl:201; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
117╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 117 @Base\array.jl:801; getindex
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1471 @Base\dict.jl:203; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1471 @Base\dict.jl:169; hashindex
9╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 9 @Base\dict.jl:0; -
115╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1354 @Base\hashing.jl:18; hash
75╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 75 @Base\float.jl:0; hash(x::Float64, h::UInt64)
88╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 88 @Base\float.jl:465; hash(x::Float64, h::UInt64)
127╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 159 @Base\float.jl:467; hash(x::Float64, h::UInt64)
32╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 32 @Base\float.jl:374; <=
17╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 17 @Base\float.jl:468; hash(x::Float64, h::UInt64)
143╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 258 @Base\float.jl:469; hash(x::Float64, h::UInt64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 115 @Base\operators.jl:129; isequal
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 115 @Base\operators.jl:125; signequal
61╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 61 @Base\floatfuncs.jl:15; signbit
54╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 54 @Base\promotion.jl:410; ==
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 20 @Base\float.jl:470; hash(x::Float64, h::UInt64)
58╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 622 @Base\float.jl:480; hash(x::Float64, h::UInt64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 516 @Base\hashing.jl:62; hash_uint64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 104 @Base\hashing.jl:29; hash_64_64
16╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 16 @Base\int.jl:87; +
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 12 @Base\int.jl:464; <<
12╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 12 @Base\int.jl:457; <<
76╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 76 @Base\int.jl:285; ~
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 73 @Base\hashing.jl:30; hash_64_64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 63 @Base\int.jl:462; >>
63╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 63 @Base\int.jl:456; >>
10╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 10 @Base\int.jl:333; xor
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 21 @Base\hashing.jl:31; hash_64_64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 21 @Base\operators.jl:560; +
21╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 21 @Base\int.jl:87; +
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 99 @Base\hashing.jl:32; hash_64_64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 94 @Base\int.jl:462; >>
94╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 94 @Base\int.jl:456; >>
5╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 5 @Base\int.jl:333; xor
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 62 @Base\hashing.jl:33; hash_64_64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 62 @Base\operators.jl:560; +
62╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 62 @Base\int.jl:87; +
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 69 @Base\hashing.jl:34; hash_64_64
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 52 @Base\int.jl:462; >>
52╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 52 @Base\int.jl:456; >>
17╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 17 @Base\int.jl:333; xor
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 88 @Base\hashing.jl:35; hash_64_64
88╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 88 @Base\int.jl:87; +
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 31 @Base\int.jl:923; *
31╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 31 @Base\int.jl:88; *
17╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 17 @Base\int.jl:86; -
23╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 23 @Base\int.jl:309; &
85╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 85 @Base\int.jl:87; +
223╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 283 @Base\dict.jl:204; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
39╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 39 @Base\array.jl:801; getindex
78╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 78 @Base\int.jl:86; -
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 31 @Base\dict.jl:208; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 31 @Base\operators.jl:305; >
31╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 31 @Base\int.jl:83; <
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 103 @Base\dict.jl:209; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
103╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 103 @Base\array.jl:839; setindex!
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1607 @Base\dict.jl:210; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
1607╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 1607 @Base\array.jl:839; setindex!
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 15 @Base\dict.jl:214; rehash!(h::Dict{Float64, Nothing}, newsz::Int64)
╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 15 @Base\operators.jl:204; !=
536╎ ╎ ╎ ╎ 540 @Interpolations\src\gridded\gridded.jl:47; Interpolations.GriddedInterpolation(#unused#::Type{Float64}, knots:...