Consider the following problem: I have a linear ODE x' = M(t) x, but at some times t_i during the integration interval I need to apply some operation on the current state, i.e x_\text{new}(t_i) = A \cdot x(t).
A little toy model with DifferentialEquations.jl
using DifferentialEquations
using LinearAlgebra
using Random
using TimerOutputs
# +++ DEFINE ODE +++
# vectorized form of equation x' = M * x, where x is Matrix
M = kron(I(10), rand(Float64, (10, 10)))
function f(du, u, p, t)
mul!(du, M, u)
lmul!(sin(p * t), du)
where we want to integrate across the intervall [0, 1000].
The version without the additional operations looks like the following
@time begin
u0 = vec(rand(Float64, (10, 10)))
t_start = 0
t_end = 10000
@timeit "Problem definition" prob = ODEProblem(f, u0, (t_start , t_end), 0.7)
@timeit "Solve" sol = solve(prob, save_everystep=false, save_start=false)
Time Allocations
─────────────────────── ────────────────────────
Tot / % measured: 14.9s / 100.0% 7.11MiB / 100.0%
Section ncalls time %tot avg alloc %tot avg
Solve 1 14.9s 100.0% 14.9s 7.10MiB 99.9% 7.10MiB
Problem definition 1 95.3μs 0.0% 95.3μs 4.44KiB 0.1% 4.44KiB
14.904764 seconds (454.00 k allocations: 7.141 MiB)
while the model with additnal operations solves for times between two subsequent opterations t_n \rightarrow t_{n+1} piecewise.
@time begin
u0 = vec(rand(Float64, (10, 10)))
storage = Array{Float64}(undef, size(u0))
operation = kron(I(10), 0.1 * diagm([1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1]))
for i=0:9999
t_start = i
t_end = i + 1
@timeit "Problem definition" prob = ODEProblem(f, u0, (t_start , t_end), 0.7)
@timeit "Solve" sol = solve(prob, save_everystep=false, save_start=false)
u0 = sol.u[end]
u0 = operation * u0
Time Allocations
─────────────────────── ────────────────────────
Tot / % measured: 23.6s / 97.1% 1.90GiB / 99.4%
Section ncalls time %tot avg alloc %tot avg
Solve 10.0k 22.5s 98.4% 2.25ms 1.85GiB 97.9% 194KiB
Problem definition 10.0k 370ms 1.6% 37.0μs 41.2MiB 2.1% 4.22KiB
23.587671 seconds (2.91 M allocations: 1.900 GiB, 0.59% gc time)
It seems like the allocations scale with the number of partitions of the interval and the runtime also increases a lot. As I have quite a lot of these external operations, this creates some trouble for me.
In the latter case, I had to redefine the ODEProblem and the solve-operation for every iteration and I feel there must be a more clever method to do this, as all integrations are fairly similar (only the time interval changes here).
So my question: Is there a better way to solve this?