Import XLSX data

using XLSX

The above is my code for importing xlsx file (), which is the data type of array (any, 2) and cannot be directly operated with matrix. How can I import a file to make it a data type that can be operated with matrix? For example, float64etc.


in addition,I try to use the file converted to CSV format and then import it. Although a float file will be generated, there will be a warning"E:\\Julia程序\\Cb.csv")"E:\\Julia程序\\Cs.csv")"E:\\Julia程序\\Pload.csv")"E:\\Julia程序\\PPV.csv")"E:\\Julia程序\\PWT.csv")"E:\\Julia程序\\PDL.csv")"E:\\Julia程序\\PCL.csv")"E:\\Julia程序\\PHL.csv")


┌ Warning: `; kw...)` is deprecated in favor of `DataFrame!(CSV.File(input; kw...))`
└ @ CSV C:\Users\61940\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.4.2-1\packages\CSV\hZ1pV\src\CSV.jl:40
┌ Warning: `; kw...)` is deprecated in favor of `DataFrame!(CSV.File(input; kw...))`
└ @ CSV C:\Users\61940\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.4.2-1\packages\CSV\hZ1pV\src\CSV.jl:40
┌ Warning: `; kw...)` is deprecated in favor of `DataFrame!(CSV.File(input; kw...))`
└ @ CSV C:\Users\61940\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.4.2-1\packages\CSV\hZ1pV\src\CSV.jl:40
┌ Warning: `; kw...)` is deprecated in favor of `DataFrame!(CSV.File(input; kw...))`
└ @ CSV C:\Users\61940\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.4.2-1\packages\CSV\hZ1pV\src\CSV.jl:40
┌ Warning: `; kw...)` is deprecated in favor of `DataFrame!(CSV.File(input; kw...))`
└ @ CSV C:\Users\61940\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.4.2-1\packages\CSV\hZ1pV\src\CSV.jl:40
┌ Warning: `; kw...)` is deprecated in favor of `DataFrame!(CSV.File(input; kw...))`
└ @ CSV C:\Users\61940\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.4.2-1\packages\CSV\hZ1pV\src\CSV.jl:40
┌ Warning: `; kw...)` is deprecated in favor of `DataFrame!(CSV.File(input; kw...))`
└ @ CSV C:\Users\61940\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.4.2-1\packages\CSV\hZ1pV\src\CSV.jl:40
┌ Warning: `; kw...)` is deprecated in favor of `DataFrame!(CSV.File(input; kw...))`
└ @ CSV C:\Users\61940\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.4.2-1\packages\CSV\hZ1pV\src\CSV.jl:40

Maybe convert(Array{Float64,2}, Cs).

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the warning is telling you to use the new syntax (this is what ‘deprecation’ means).

yes!That’s right. thanks!


sorry,I didn’t really understand the meaning of it. I tried to modify it, but I still reported an error

ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: DataFrame! not defined
 [1] top-level scope at untitled-00d5839736e1528ded8439f9249e3ead:6
in expression starting at untitled-00d5839736e1528ded8439f9249e3ead:6

You need to be using DataFrames explicitly if you want to call the DataFrame constructor, i.e.

using CSV, DataFrames

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I “add DataFrame”, so I failed without “s”
Thank you. It’s ok now, and it’s converted to float 64!
The format is as follows

PHL=convert(Array{Float64,2}, PHL)

You can abbreviate the second line to Matrix(PHL). Also note that convention in Julia is to use lowercase identifiers for variables, and uppercase identifiers for types (like DataFrame).

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First of all, thank you for your correction!
After I use matrix (PHL), the generated data frame type cannot be used for matrix operation or multiplication and division with integers. It seems that I need float type.

What do you mean by “data frame type” after you used Matrix? If your csv is as shown in your first post (i.e. a bunch of floating point numbers like 0.43 0.82, 1.02) then you’ll get an Array{Float64, 2} back from doing Matrix{PHL}.

This array can then be used for the usual mathematical operations in Julia:

julia> using DataFrames

julia> df = DataFrame(rand([0.43, 0.82, 1.02], 5, 5));

julia> df_matrix = Matrix(df) 
5×5 Array{Float64,2}:        
0.43  0.43  0.82  0.82  0.43                               
0.82  0.82  1.02  1.02  1.02                                       
1.02  0.82  1.02  1.02  0.82 
1.02  0.43  0.82  1.02  0.43 
0.43  1.02  0.43  0.82  1.02

julia> df_matrix .* 2     
5×5 Array{Float64,2}:  
0.86  0.86  1.64  1.64  0.86
1.64  1.64  2.04  2.04  2.04 
2.04  1.64  2.04  2.04  1.64 
2.04  0.86  1.64  2.04  0.86 
0.86  2.04  0.86  1.64  2.04 
using XLSX
using CSV ,DataFrames

Cs=convert(Array{Float64,2}, Cs)


This is my code. After I use matrix (PHL), it is still a dataframe file. It seems a little strange

I seem to have forgotten to define its name, which leads to this. I’m sorry! :sweat_smile:

Matrix() does not operate in place. Again as a convention, functions that do operate in place or change their arguments are denoted by an ! at the end (this is just a naming convention, so you couldn’t just add a ! to some function to make it in-place).

You need to do

PHL = Matrix(PHL)

as in my example above.

I would encourage you to read the Julia documentation to familiarise yourself with the basics of the language.

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I forgot, this is my problem
Thank you very much for your help! :grin: