Implementing the Wedge Product

First off, does anybody know of an existing implementation of the wedge product in Julia? I performed a pretty expensive search and came up empty.

For my application I need to compute

\wedge_{i=1}^{n-1}\boldsymbol{v}_i,\quad\boldsymbol{v} \in \mathbb{R}^n

I know that the i^{\mathrm{th}} element of the wedge product can be computed as the cofactor of the (n,i) entry of M, where M is defined as

M= \begin{bmatrix} \boldsymbol{v}_1^{\top}\\ \vdots \\ \boldsymbol{v}_{n-1}^\top \\ \boldsymbol{1}^\top \end{bmatrix}

Currently, I’ve implemented this as

using LinearAlgebra
using RecursiveArrayTools

function wedge(v::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:AbstractArray}
    n = length(v[1]) 
    M =  VectorOfArray(v)'
    T([ (-1)^(n+j)*det(M[:,filter(x->x≠j,collect(1:n))]) for j ∈ 1:n]    )

For n=3, the wedge product should be equivalent to the cross product.

n = 3
data = [rand(n) for i ∈ 1:n-1]

maximum(abs.(wedge(data) - cross(data...)))  # 2.7755575615628914e-17

However, this seems horribly inefficient for when n is large as the determinate of an n-1\times n-1 is computed n times.

Does anybody know of a more eloquent approach? One thought is to decompose M into a form where computing the determinate is trivial, e.g. LU decomposition, and then perform rank-1 updates.

Extend your n x (n-1) matrix A with a random norm-one vector to an n x n matrix. Gram-schmidt this. Take the last column, and multiply with the product of norms of the first n-1 columns.

Because julia is row-major, mentally rename all mentions of “rows” and “columns” in the above paragraph.


Ok, depends on how your input and output is structured and how your gram-schmidt wants its input/output to be structured (I always forget which index position is upstairs/downstairs and which is called row or column; I can only remember fast/slow = first/second).

But I don’t see a gram-schmidt in LinearAlgebra anyway?

If I were to implement a very naive gram-schmidt, I would need fast sequential access to mathematical columns, so I’d make A[:,i] a mathematical column, and expect n x n-1 input. Ok, you’re right, I was confused and talked nonsense.

Isn’t Gram-schmidt inefficient? I.e., \mathcal{O}(n^3)

Unless you go Strassen, your algorithm was n^4. n^3 is better than n^4, right?

I’m not claiming that this is an especially clever strategy, just that it is much better.

So the code would be

julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> for N=2:15
              V = rand(N);
              W = rand(N);
              rr0[:,end]=W; res = det(rr0)
              rr0[:,end] = V
              q,r = qr(rr0);
              S=-q[:,end]* prod(diag(r)[1:N-1]) * (-1)^N;
              @show N, res ≈ dot(S, W)
(N, res ≈ dot(S, W)) = (2, true)
(N, res ≈ dot(S, W)) = (3, true)
(N, res ≈ dot(S, W)) = (4, true)
(N, res ≈ dot(S, W)) = (5, true)
(N, res ≈ dot(S, W)) = (6, true)
(N, res ≈ dot(S, W)) = (7, true)
(N, res ≈ dot(S, W)) = (8, true)
(N, res ≈ dot(S, W)) = (9, true)
(N, res ≈ dot(S, W)) = (10, true)
(N, res ≈ dot(S, W)) = (11, true)
(N, res ≈ dot(S, W)) = (12, true)
(N, res ≈ dot(S, W)) = (13, true)
(N, res ≈ dot(S, W)) = (14, true)
(N, res ≈ dot(S, W)) = (15, true)

Then fix the unneeded spurious allocations.

I was just pointing out that Julia is column-major.

Gram-Schmidt is not numerically stable. There are numerically stable versions, but usually the similar algorithm that should be attempted to be used is the QR factorization.

Gram-Schmidt is not numerically stable.

Is this because of floating-point error or is there another reason?

It’s algorithmic and due to floating point error. You need to stabilize it in most applications.

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Modified Gram-Schmidt is usually the answer.


This specific problem can be most easily done with the columns of the inverse matrix multiplied by the determinant, transposed. Was running into the same problem just now.

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