Implementing inexact Newton solves in NonlinearSolve.jl

I’d like to implement inexact Newton solves using NonlinearSolve.jl. The output from this code snippet (shown below) suggests that, by default, each Newton equation is solved to a fixed accuracy.

nlcache = init(
    reltol=1e-3, abstol=1e-3,
    show_trace = Val(true),
    NewtonRaphson(linsolve = KrylovJL_MINRES(verbose=10, itmax=100)),

for i in 1:10

Is it possible to modify nlcache within the loop to adaptively specify the accuracy of each linear solve?

Here’s the output:

┌ Warning: minres! doesn't support right preconditioning.
└ @ LinearSolve ~/.julia/packages/LinearSolve/B82H3/src/iterative_wrappers.jl:275
MINRES: system of size 202
    k      ‖r‖    ‖Aᴴr‖        β       cos       sin      ‖A‖     κ(A)    test1    test2  timer
    0  2.0e+00  0.0e+00  2.0e+00  -1.0e+00   0.0e+00  0.0e+00  0.0e+00  ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗  ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗  0.00s
   10  3.0e-02  3.3e-02  8.2e-01   6.0e-01   8.0e-01  1.7e+01  6.3e+00  1.9e-03  5.2e-02  0.00s
   20  1.9e-03  8.7e-03  4.4e+00   5.8e-01   8.2e-01  2.0e+01  8.5e+00  9.7e-05  1.8e-01  0.00s
   30  2.3e-04  2.0e-04  8.2e-01  -5.3e-01   8.5e-01  2.4e+01  9.2e+00  9.7e-06  3.2e-02  0.00s
   40  2.0e-05  2.2e-05  8.0e-01  -6.6e-01   7.5e-01  2.7e+01  9.2e+00  7.4e-07  3.0e-02  0.00s
   50  1.9e-06  1.8e-06  5.8e-01   6.9e-01   7.2e-01  3.0e+01  9.2e+00  6.7e-08  2.3e-02  0.00s
   60  1.5e-07  1.5e-07  8.6e-01   5.6e-01   8.3e-01  3.2e+01  9.2e+00  4.7e-09  2.6e-02  0.00s

1        2.97303732e-02       9.81027009e-01      
┌ Warning: minres! doesn't support right preconditioning.
└ @ LinearSolve ~/.julia/packages/LinearSolve/B82H3/src/iterative_wrappers.jl:275
MINRES: system of size 202
    k      ‖r‖    ‖Aᴴr‖        β       cos       sin      ‖A‖     κ(A)    test1    test2  timer
    0  4.0e-01  0.0e+00  4.0e-01  -1.0e+00   0.0e+00  0.0e+00  0.0e+00  ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗  ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗  0.00s
   10  5.7e-04  8.9e-04  9.3e-01   7.0e-01   7.1e-01  3.0e+01  2.4e+01  1.0e-03  3.7e-02  0.00s
   20  4.6e-05  4.4e-05  6.2e-01   6.8e-01   7.4e-01  4.0e+01  3.5e+01  5.6e-05  1.7e-02  0.00s
   30  7.6e-06  7.6e-06  9.9e-01  -4.9e-01   8.7e-01  5.0e+01  3.5e+01  7.3e-06  1.8e-02  0.00s
   40  6.9e-07  1.2e-06  2.0e+00  -4.7e-01   8.8e-01  5.7e+01  3.7e+01  5.8e-07  2.8e-02  0.00s
   50  7.5e-08  9.5e-08  9.6e-01   6.7e-01   7.4e-01  6.4e+01  3.7e+01  5.7e-08  1.5e-02  0.00s

2        3.51646316e-03       2.07810848e-02      
┌ Warning: minres! doesn't support right preconditioning.
└ @ LinearSolve ~/.julia/packages/LinearSolve/B82H3/src/iterative_wrappers.jl:275
MINRES: system of size 202
    k      ‖r‖    ‖Aᴴr‖        β       cos       sin      ‖A‖     κ(A)    test1    test2  timer
    0  4.7e-02  0.0e+00  4.7e-02  -1.0e+00   0.0e+00  0.0e+00  0.0e+00  ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗  ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗  0.00s
   10  5.8e-05  5.6e-05  8.2e-01   5.9e-01   8.0e-01  2.5e+01  2.0e+01  8.5e-04  3.1e-02  0.00s
   20  4.4e-06  4.3e-06  6.7e-01   6.6e-01   7.5e-01  3.3e+01  2.6e+01  4.7e-05  2.2e-02  0.00s
   30  6.7e-07  6.4e-07  8.1e-01  -5.7e-01   8.2e-01  4.0e+01  2.6e+01  5.8e-06  2.0e-02  0.00s
   40  6.7e-08  1.2e-07  2.2e+00  -4.4e-01   9.0e-01  4.2e+01  2.9e+01  5.6e-07  3.8e-02  0.00s

3        6.82363870e-05       2.88556208e-03      

what do you mean by adaptively set the accuracy?

In situations where the computation cost is primarily dominated by the Jacobian-vector products, further efficiency can be had by solving the Newton system inexactly. A common approach is to ask an iterative method (eg, MINRES, in my case) to obtain a search direction \Delta x\in\mathbb{R}^n that reduces the residual to first order:

\|J(x_k) \Delta x + r(x_k)\| \le \eta_k\|r(x_k)\|,

where r is the residual function, J is its Jacobian, and \eta_k\in(0,1) is a dynamic accuracy parameter.

In each step of the loop, I’d like to pass \eta_k to MINRES as an optimality tolerance. This iimplements the above criterion.