I’m currently trying to solve a non-linear system, but I get a stalled
retcode when I specify a jacobian.
Specifically, I’d trying to solve a discretized PDE using a home-made backward Euler stepper. The spatial domain is 1D and I have 4 variables. It would be a DAE, so 2 of the 4 variables have “previous” time steps required. I call the four equations A,B,C,D, and there are n of each. The code below is just to solve it at one time step. Ultimately, I’m sure it would be better to run this with DifferentialEquations, but I was running into some issues and wanted to first compare with some existing matlab code.
using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays, BenchmarkTools
using Optimization, NonlinearSolve, SparseConnectivityTracer
using CairoMakie, ColorSchemes
### Define parameters:
ν_ = 0.01
δ_ = 1e-3
κ0m = ν_^2*1.25
κ0h = ν_^2
s_ = 1.
A_ = 2.
tail_ = false
Tdef_ = -1.
dt = 0.0001
eps = 1e-4
u∞ = 0.
θb = -1.
ncell_ = 100 # number of cells
nedge_ = ncell_
zmax = 0.5
### grid setup
dz = zmax/(ncell_-0.5)
zcell_ = dz*(0.5.+collect(0:(ncell_-1)))
dzcell_ = diff(zcell_)
zedge_ = [0.; (zcell_[1:end-1]+zcell_[2:end])./2.]
dzedge_ = diff(zedge_)
### Operators
∇ = sparse(diagm(0 => [0;ones(ncell_-1)./dzcell_], -1=>-ones(ncell_-1)./dzcell_));
div = spdiagm(0 => [-ones(nedge_-1)./dzedge_;0], 1=>ones(nedge_-1)./dzedge_);
### Initial conditions:
uprev = zeros(ncell_) ### Very simple ICs
θprev = [-1; zeros(ncell_-1)] ### Very simple ICs
u_z = ∇*uprev
θ_z = ∇*θprev
Ri = θ_z ./ (u_z.^2 .+ eps.^2)
f = max.(0.,1. .- Ri./ν_).^2
qprev = - ((zedge_.+δ_).^2 .* abs.(u_z) .* f .+ κ0h).*θ_z/ν_
τprev = - ((zedge_.+δ_).^2 .* abs.(u_z) .* f .+ κ0m).*u_z
y_in = [uprev;θprev;τprev;qprev]
p = ν_, δ_, κ0m, κ0h, s_, θb, u∞, eps, dt, ncell_, nedge_,
dz, zcell_, dzcell_, zedge_, dzedge_, ∇, div,uprev,θprev
function FF(dy,y_in,p)
ν_, δ_, κ0m, κ0h, s_, θb, u∞, eps, dt, ncell_, nedge_,
dz, zcell_, dzcell_, zedge_, dzedge_, ∇, div,uprev,θprev = p
# ncell_, nedge_ = Int(ncell_), Int(nedge_)
u = y_in[1:ncell_]
θ = y_in[ncell_.+(1:ncell_)]
τ = y_in[2*ncell_.+(1:ncell_)]
q = y_in[3*ncell_.+(1:ncell_)]
### Eq1
A = (u.-uprev).*ν_./dt .- div*τ .+ θ.*s_
A[ncell_] = u[ncell_] - u∞
### Eq2
B = (θ.-θprev).*ν_./dt .+ div*q
B[ncell_] = θ[ncell_]
### Intermediate vars
u_z = ∇*u
θ_z = ∇*θ
Ri = θ_z ./ (u_z.^2 .+ eps.^2)
### Max not smoothed
# f = max.(0.,1. .-Ri./ν_).^2
### Max smoothed
ε_smooth = 1e-8
x = 1 .- Ri./ν_
g = (x .+ sqrt.(x.^2 .+ ε_smooth)) ./ 2.
f = g.^2
Km = (zedge_.+δ_).^2 .* abs.(u_z) .* f .+ κ0m
Kh = (zedge_.+δ_).^2 .* abs.(u_z) .* f .+ κ0h
### Eq3
C = τ .- Km.*u_z
C[1] = u[1]
### Eq4
D = ν_.*q .+ Kh.*θ_z
D[1] = θ[1] - θb
dy .= [A;B;C;D]
# return [A;B;C;D]
function FF_jac(J_out,y_in,p)
ν_, δ_, κ0m, κ0h, s_, θb, u∞, eps, dt, ncell_, nedge_,
dz, zcell_, dzcell_, zedge_, dzedge_, ∇, div,uprev,θprev = p
# ncell_, nedge_ = Int(ncell_), Int(nedge_)
u = y_in[1:ncell_]
θ = y_in[ncell_.+(1:ncell_)]
τ = y_in[2*ncell_.+(1:ncell_)]
q = y_in[3*ncell_.+(1:ncell_)]
### Eq1
# A = (u.-uprev).*ν_./dt .- div*τ .+ θ.*s_
# A[ncell_] = u[ncell_] - u∞
dA_du = spdiagm(0=>ones(ncell_) * ν_ / dt)
dA_du[ncell_,:] .= 0. ### Holdover, probably not needed
dA_du[ncell_,ncell_] = 1.
dA_dθ = spdiagm(0=>ones(ncell_) * s_)
dA_dθ[ncell_,:] .= 0. ### Can replace with line below
# dA_dθ[ncell_,ncell_] = 0.
dA_dτ = -div
dA_dτ[ncell_,:] .= 0.
dA_dq = spzeros(ncell_,ncell_)
### Eq2
# B = (θ.-θprev).*ν_./dt .+ div*q
# B[ncell_] = θ[ncell_]
dB_du = spzeros(ncell_,ncell_)
dB_dθ = spdiagm(0=>ones(ncell_) / dt)
dB_dθ[ncell_,:] .= 0. ### Can replace with line below
dB_dθ[ncell_, ncell_] = 1.
dB_dτ = spzeros(ncell_,ncell_)
dB_dq = div
dB_dq[ncell_,:] .= 0.
### Intermediate variables
u_z = ∇*u
θ_z = ∇*θ
Ri = θ_z ./ (u_z.^2 .+ eps.^2)
dRi_dθ = spdiagm(0=>1. ./(u_z.^2 .+ eps.^2)) * ∇
# dRi_du = spdiagm(0=>-2. * θ_z ./(u_z.^2 .+ eps.^2)) * ∇ ### old
dRi_du = spdiagm(0 => -2. * u_z .* θ_z ./ ((u_z.^2 .+ eps.^2).^2)) * ∇
### Max not smoothed
# f = max.(0.,1. .-Ri./ν_).^2
# df_dRi = spdiagm(0 => (-2/ν_) .* max.(0, 1 .- Ri./ν_))
### Max smoothed
ε_smooth = 1e-8
x = 1 .- Ri./ν_
g = (x .+ sqrt.(x.^2 .+ ε_smooth)) ./ 2.
f = g.^2
dg_dRi = - (1 ./(2*ν_)) .* (1 .+ x ./ sqrt.(x.^2 .+ ε_smooth))
df_dRi = spdiagm(0 => 2 .* g .* dg_dRi)
df_du = df_dRi * dRi_du
df_dθ = df_dRi * dRi_dθ
Km = (zedge_.+δ_).^2 .* abs.(u_z) .* f .+ κ0m
dKm_du = spdiagm(0=>(zedge_.+δ_).^2 .* sign.(u_z) .* f)*∇ + spdiagm(0=>(zedge_.+δ_).^2 .* abs.(u_z))*df_du
dKm_dθ = spdiagm(0=>(zedge_.+δ_).^2 .* abs.(u_z))*df_dθ
Kh = (zedge_.+δ_).^2 .* abs.(u_z) .* f .+ κ0h
dKh_du = dKm_du
dKh_dθ = dKm_dθ
### Eq3
# C = τ .- Km.*u_z
# C[1] = u[1]
dC_du = spdiagm(0=>-Km) * ∇ + spdiagm(0=>-u_z) * dKm_du
dC_du[1,:] .= 0. ### Don't think this is needed
dC_du[1,1] = 1.
dC_dθ = spdiagm(0=>-u_z) * dKm_dθ
dC_dθ[1,:] .= 0.
dC_dτ = spdiagm(0=>ones(nedge_))
dC_dτ[1,:] .= 0.
dC_dq = spzeros(nedge_,nedge_)
### Eq4
# D = ν_.*q .+ Kh.*θ_z
# D[1] = θ[1] - θb
dD_du = spdiagm(0=>θ_z) * dKh_du
dD_du[1,:] .= 0.
dD_dθ = spdiagm(0=>Kh) * ∇ + spdiagm(0=>θ_z) * dKh_dθ
dD_dθ[1,:] .= 0. ### Don't think this is needed
dD_dθ[1,1] = 1.
dD_dτ = spzeros(nedge_,nedge_)
dD_dq = spdiagm(0=>ν_*ones(nedge_))
dD_dq[1,:] .= 0.
J_out .= [dA_du dA_dθ dA_dτ dA_dq;
dB_du dB_dθ dB_dτ dB_dq;
dC_du dC_dθ dC_dτ dC_dq;
dD_du dD_dθ dD_dτ dD_dq]
I know the code isn’t optimized to reduce allocations (especially the jacobian calculation – I haven’t preallocated any space in memory) – I just want something that will run for now. The problem I’m encountering is: when I run this just using a jacobian sparsity pattern (but not the jacobian), it will run, but gets really slow for future time steps as the system generates sharp gradients.
prob_sparsity_pattern = NonlinearProblem(NonlinearFunction(FF; sparsity = TracerSparsityDetector()), y_in, p;
abstol = 1e-10, reltol = 1e-10)
sol_sparsity_pattern = solve(prob_sparsity_pattern, NewtonRaphson(),maxiters=Int(1e4))
Since the jacobian is pretty easily specified analytically, I figured this would help:
prob_jac = NonlinearProblem(NonlinearFunction(FF; jac = FF_jac, sparsity = TracerSparsityDetector()), y_in, p;
abstol = 1e-10, reltol = 1e-10)
sol_jac = solve(prob_jac, NewtonRaphson(),maxiters=Int(1e4))
I now get a “stalled” retcode – even though the solutions are very close. That is, maximum(abs.(sol_sparsity_pattern.u - sol_jac.u))
returns a number on the order of 1e-9
. Changing the tolerances of prob_jac
never seems to fix this issue.
My first thought was that a max(0,x)
function might be causing problems. I’ve commented this out and replaced it with a x+sqrt(x^2+epsilon)
(along with corresponding derivatives in the jacobian), but the results are unchanged. I just can’t get the version with the Jacobian give me a solved
Any help would be appreciated!