I am trying to write an implementation of a basic algorithm in pulsar astronomy: dedispersion. What this essentially boils down to is adding the rows of a two-dimensional matrix together, but we shift each row by some value. The lower the row, the more the shift. Note that the shift is not circular, and it does not increase linearly. I am still new to Julia, and so I programmed it in a way that looks more like C/C++ here. Is there a better/more idiomatic/more performant way to do this? Like having a view into the 2D array that shifts as it goes down?
I think your code looks like a good starting point. Memory access is contiguous, thats very nice.
One thing I noticed is, that while A
is a matrix you always access it using linear indices e.g. A[(i + Δi) * nt + j]
. Is there a reason for this?
To increase performance there are a couple of things you could try:
- Use
annotations - Use
annotation on your inner loop - Use
annotation on your outer loop
Also can you post a typical benchmark, so people can better play around with your code? I am not familiar with the algorithm and have no ideas what are typical sizes for the arguments.
I’d be careful with this, all threads would modify the same elements of B
You are right, if multi threading is desired one needs to do it differently. How exactly depends on typical sizes of A
Some typical benchmarks are right there in the repository, in the bench
directory. Unfortunately, I could not upload the file that I used to make that benchmark, because it was almost 20 GBs! But it should give you a fair idea of the kind of inputs I am trying to deal with.
As for the linear indexing for A
, there is really no reason for it, except that I could not figure out how to do the same thing with Cartesian Indices .
I am looking for a very simple 10 lines copy pastable benchmark that gives me realistic eltypes and sizes. Like:
A = randn(100, 100) # is 100 a realistic size? Is Float64 realistic or Float32 ?
@btime dedisp(A, f₀, Δf, DM)
Edit: From the performance view point only size and eltype of data matters. The actual values are irrelevant, just put something random there.
Maybe it would be enough to keep nthreads()
separate copies of B
and sum them in the end?
Yes, that is one possiblility the other is annotating the inner loop. Or maybe we need to solve the problem many times and then it might be better to just call single threaded dedisp
in parallel.
My bad ! I had forgotten that the code for the benchmark wasn’t up yet. You can take a 2D Array with Float32 eltype and 4096 × 128000 elements. You can reduce the second dimension if you want, in order to ensure that the array fits into the memory of your machine (because these numbers will give you about 16 GBS of data!). Then call the dedisp
function as: dedisp(A, 500.0, 200.0, 50.0)
. I will put up more details about the benchmark into the repo today .
module Baseline
const 𝓓 = 1.0 / 2.41e-4
Δt(f, f₀, DM) = floor(Int64, 𝓓 * DM * (1/f^2 - 1/f₀^2))
function dedisp!(B, A, f₀, Δf, nf, nt, DM)
for i = 1:(nf-1)
δf = Δf / nf
f = f₀ - δf
Δi = Δt(f, f₀, DM)
for j = 1:nt
B[j] += A[(i + Δi) * nt + j]
function dedisp(A, f₀, Δf, DM)
nf, nt = size(A)
B = Array{eltype(A)}(undef, nt)
dedisp!(B, A, f₀, Δf, nf, nt, DM)
module Perf
const 𝓓 = 1.0 / 2.41e-4
Δt(f, f₀, DM) = floor(Int64, 𝓓 * DM * (1/f^2 - 1/f₀^2))
function dedisp!(B, A, f₀, Δf, nf, nt, DM)
for i = 1:(nf-1)
δf = Δf / nf
f = f₀ - δf
Δi = Δt(f, f₀, DM)
offset = (i + Δi) * nt
@simd for j in 1:nt
@inbounds B[j] += A[offset + j]
function dedisp(A, f₀, Δf, DM)
nf, nt = size(A)
B = Array{eltype(A)}(undef, nt)
dedisp!(B, A, f₀, Δf, nf, nt, DM)
A = randn(Float32, 16, 128000)
# Baseline.dedisp(A, 1f0, 1f0, 1f0)
using BenchmarkTools
using Test
#@test Baseline.dedisp(A, 500.0, 200.0, 50.0) ≈ Baseline.dedisp(A, 500.0, 200.0, 50.0)
@test Baseline.dedisp(A, 500.0, 200.0, 50.0) ≈ Perf.dedisp(A, 500.0, 200.0, 50.0)
@btime Perf.dedisp(A, 500.0, 200.0, 50.0)
@btime Baseline.dedisp(A, 500.0, 200.0, 50.0)
gives me:
174.864 μs (2 allocations: 500.05 KiB)
972.529 μs (2 allocations: 500.05 KiB)
Thanks for that ! I got a 2x times speedup with a 20 GB file, so that’s something. The modified release and benchmark are up on the repository. Really, really appreciate all the feedback.
Now we are talking numbers . @simd
doesn’t cut it for me, but checking with @tturbo
from LoopVectorization
or @batch
from Polyester
like so
module Perf
using Polyester
const 𝓓 = 1.0 / 2.41e-4
Δt(f, f₀, DM) = floor(Int64, 𝓓 * DM * (1/f^2 - 1/f₀^2))
function dedisp!(B, A, f₀, Δf, nf, nt, DM)
for i = 1:(nf-1)
δf = Δf / nf
f = f₀ - δf
Δi = Δt(f, f₀, DM)
offset = (i + Δi) * nt
@batch for j in 1:nt
@inbounds B[j] += A[offset + j]
yields similar results like
87.400 μs (2 allocations: 500.05 KiB)
333.300 μs (2 allocations: 500.05 KiB)
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.9.0-DEV.81
Commit 8ae9dd5c5b (2022-02-24 19:13 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Windows (x86_64-w64-mingw32)
CPU: 12 × Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10710U CPU @ 1.10GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-13.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)
Threads: 5 on 12 virtual cores
I just checked same thing here, SIMD is used regardless of the annotation.
I can get another 2x speedup by using threads (my machine has 32 hyper threads):
function dedisp!(B, A, f₀, Δf, nf, nt, DM)
offsets = map(1:nf-1) do i
δf = Δf / nf
f = f₀ - δf
Δi = Δt(f, f₀, DM)
(i + Δi) * nt
chunksize = 4000
Threads.@threads for jstart in 1:chunksize:nt
jstop = min(jstart+chunksize-1, nt)
jrange = jstart:jstop
for offset in offsets
@simd for j in jrange
@inbounds B[j] += A[offset + j]
But really the problem seems bottle necked by memory access. To confirm memory access is the issue I passed
struct FakeMatrix{T} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
Base.size(o::FakeMatrix) = o.size
function Base.getindex(o::FakeMatrix{T}, i::Int) where {T}
A = FakeMatrix{Float32}((512, 128000))
and get 11x speedup from threads (16x would be ideal though, maybe load balancing needs more care).