ImageEdgeDetection.jl: Upto Sub-Pixel Precision


ImageEdgeDetection.jl is a Julia package for determining image edges (up to subpixel precision) and ascertaining the gradient/edge orientations.

It provides edge detection algorithms like Canny and edge thinning algorithm like non-maxima suppression(also subpixel precision).


julia> using TestImages, ImageEdgeDetection, MosaicViews

julia> img =  testimage("mandril_gray")

# Detect edges at different scales by adjusting the `spatial_scale` parameter.
julia> img_edges₁ = detect_edges(img, Canny(spatial_scale = 1.4))

julia> img_edges₂ = detect_edges(img, Canny(spatial_scale = 2.8))

julia> img_edges₃ = detect_edges(img, Canny(spatial_scale = 5.6))

julia> demo₁ = mosaicview(img, img_edges₁, img_edges₂, img_edges₃; nrow = 2)


Repository: GitHub - JuliaImages/ImageEdgeDetection.jl: A Julia package for determining image edges (up to subpixel precision) and ascertaining the gradient/edge orientations.
Documentation: Home ¡ ImageEdgeDetection.jl

We welcome new contributors to help improve the package. Images.jl doesn’t yet reexport ImageEdgeDetection.jl which could make for a great contribution.