Basically, if I have my type written in a string format, can I convert it to the actual DataType inside of Julia?
Kind regards
Basically, if I have my type written in a string format, can I convert it to the actual DataType inside of Julia?
Kind regards
julia> eval(Meta.parse("Float64"))
(But if at all possible, you should avoid passing information like this as strings. There are plenty of other ways to serialize data.)
In simple cases, you can do something like
julia> getproperty(Base, Meta.parse("Float64"))
which I think is (slightly) better than using eval
. Note that this trick does not easily generalize to more complex situations (like e.g. "Vector{Int}"
That being said, I’d still stick to the advice above and avoid doing such things if possible.
If it’s just a single symbol, you don’t even need Meta.parse
— you can do getproperty(Base, Symbol("Float64"))
… but needing to do this is often a sign that you should re-think what you are doing.
Thank you @ffevotte I really like this solution! Exactly what I need.
@stevengj I fully want to avoid eval
it is a bit spooky to me. In my case I have a data format with a dict and some low level data types, i.e. Float64, Int32 etc. So ffevotte solution avoids eval and is perfect in this case.
Still I am quite curious, do you have an example of “needing to do this…” ? I would like to understand better
EDIT: Unsure who to mark as solution
EDIT2: Marked steven’s answer as solution, Meta.parse had a small bug when used inside of a for loop of a function extracting a string value from a dict, it would return Float64, but the sizeof it only as 7, so just a symbol not the type.
Kind regards
A data format in a file? Why not use one of the existing serialization formats?
A data format in memory? Then you shouldn’t need to store anything as a string (except for strings).
It’s hard to give more information without some more context about your needs.
If you just have a symbol as a string, like "Float32"
, it’s simplest and fastest to avoid both parse
and eval
as explained in If I have a string such as, "Float64", can I convert it to the Julia DataType? - #4 by stevengj
Got it, using getproperty(Base, Symbol("Float64"))
And awesome, thanks for explaining. Will give it a go now and if starts to break, I will resort to making a dict for look up.
Kind regards
Not sure what you mean here. Meta.parse
by itself will just return the symbol. You still have to call getproperty
or similar to get the type.
If the strings to be converted refer to types, you could use such a scheme
function allsubtypes(T::Type)
isconcretetype(T) && return T
vcat(T , [allsubtypes(sT) for sT in subtypes(T)]...)
function allsubtypes(T::Type)
return isconcretetype(T) ? T : vcat(T , allsubtypes.(subtypes(T))...)