I need help with routing in the Genie app

Hola Julians :julia-smirk:
i need some help por favor
i am able to get the Genie app running and it opens successfully at localhost:8000

but i am getting this error every time I refresh… .how do i point the server to the correct directory where my “welcome.html” file is ?

im a newbie when it comes to “routing in programming” but i feel like it has something to do with routes.jl

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@gromblr1 I highly recommend joining the Genie community on Discord and sharing your question on the help forum there for support. Here’s the link to join: Genie Community


The default route that gets generated is:

route("/") do

Also, the default welcome.html is located in public/welcome.html. I’m surprised you’re getting a 404 if you’re starting from a newly generated Genie app. Coincidentally, that fancy 404 is in the same public/ directory.

Did you make any changes to routes.jl?

What’s weird is when I create a new project with Genie.Generator.newapp(“project_name_something”), it will start the web server up after creating the project perfectly !
However, when I close down the terminal, reopen it back up and start the web server, it gives me this error.
I feel like its my proficiency (or lackthereof) of navigating the Julia terminal and toggling the right commands.

just joined ! Ty for the invite <3