My topic title is clear, I am solving Ax=b (x=A\b).
I know that my system will become big, and I want to try Mmap to store my data. Here the basic code:
using Mmap
N = 2_000
A = rand(N, N)
b = rand(N)
io_A = open("/tmp/matrixA.bin", "w+");
A_HD = Mmap.mmap(io_A, Matrix{Float64}, (N,N));
A_HD[:] = A
io_b = open("/tmp/vectorB.bin", "w+");
b_HD = Mmap.mmap(io_b, Vector{Float64}, N);
b_HD[:] = b
io_x = open("/tmp/vectorX.bin", "w+");
x_HD = Mmap.mmap(io_x, Vector{Float64}, N);
x_HD[:] = A_HD\b_HD
x = A\b
println(x ā x_HD)
Looking at memory consumption, I can guess that A_HD\b_HD
is stored on RAM before saved into HD. I would like to only use the disk for all the operation. Is is possible ? Or some internals of \
functions does not allow me do to that so easily ?
Thank you