I am unable to understand what the function below does, please help!

function include(mod::Module, path::String)

ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), _included_files, UInt(1))

    Core.arrayset(true, _included_files, (mod, ccall(:jl_prepend_cwd, Any, (Any,), path)), arraylen(_included_files))


    ccall(:jl_uv_flush, Nothing, (Ptr{Nothing},), Core.io_pointer(Core.stdout))

    Core.include(mod, path)

Please check; the whole snippet is given here, however, I am not able to put the whole snippet in this format

Looks like a verbatim copy of Base.include

function include(mod::Module, path::String)
    ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), _included_files, UInt(1))
    Core.arrayset(true, _included_files, (mod, ccall(:jl_prepend_cwd, Any, (Any,), path)), arraylen(_included_files))
    ccall(:jl_uv_flush, Nothing, (Ptr{Nothing},), Core.io_pointer(Core.stdout))
    Core.include(mod, path)

which loads a file and hands it over for compilation and execution to julia in the R(ead)E(val)P(rint)L(oop).

It calls a couple of julia internal C functions like jl_array_grow_end, jl_prepend_cwd and jw_uv_flush.