Calling function of included file

I’m looking to include load some files dynamically and then call a function on the newly created file.

here is the file I’m trying to include

module SetupModule

function setup()
    println("------------setup called")
# end module

Here is the module calling setup()

function registerFactory()
    factoryPaths::Array{String} = ioAntigenFS.getPathsBySufffix("./core/factories", "Factory.jl")
    for path in factoryPaths
        @debug ("Including path: " * path)

So when I try to run the setup() function of the SetupModule from the registerFactory function I see the below error.

ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: setup not defined

From what I read, include just included the file verbatim, so the function should be in scope.

If I remove the module declaration from the SetUp module then I see a different error.

(method too new to be called from this world context.)

Wondering if there is a way to include a Julia source file and execute one of it’s functions.

The file you are including defines a module with the setup function inside.

Therefore you should be using the fully qualified function name, that is SetupModule.setup to invoke it.

I’ve made the suggested modifications, but in order to get them to work I have to use the @eval macro.

The docs just say that @eval evaluates an expression. Does this mean that include brings in the source code of a file unevaluated, and it has to be evaluated manually?

function registerFactory()
    factoryPaths::Array{String} = ioAntigenFS.getPathsBySufffix("./core/factories", "Factory.jl")
    for path in factoryPaths
        @debug ("Including path: " * path)

No, you’re essentially running into Methods · The Julia Language . The methods defined when you include() something are “too new”, just like the @eval newfun() = 1 definition in the example from the documentation. The solution from the documentation will also work here: you should be able to do something like:


You hit the nail on the head.
The error makes sense now.