I am unable to fit a simple 2d function using a neural network in Julia. Am I doing somethng wrong here?

I am writing to write a code for interpolating a function using a neural network in Flux.jl, but the loss function does not decrease at all. Am I doing something wrong here? I am sorry if there is a trivial problem, as I am new to using Flux.jl. The same code works with slight modifications for a 1d function.

using Flux: train!
using  Flux
using Statistics
x_train = rand(Float64, (2, 100))
y_train = x_train[1,:] + x_train[2,:]

predict = f64(Chain(Dense(2,64,leakyrelu),
loss(model, x, y) = mean(abs2.(model(x) .- y))
data = [(x_train, y_train)]
opt = Flux.setup(Adam(0.01), predict)

for epoch in 1:5000
    train!(loss, predict, data, opt)
for i in 1:100
    println(x_train[1,i]," ",x_train[2,i]," ",y_predict[i]," ",y_train[i])


y_train = x_train[1,:] + x_train[2,:]


y_train = reshape(x_train[1,:] + x_train[2,:], 1, :)

to make the shape of y_train match that of x_train. The last dimension is the batch dimension.
Also, use mean(abs2, model(x).-y) to avoid an unnecessary intermediate allocation.

In your original code, predict(x_train).-y_train produces

julia> predict(x_train).-y_train
100×100 Matrix{Float64}:
 -0.000221335   0.165909     0.562235     1.10108      0.422628      0.764869    …  -0.0057506    0.900018     0.491736     0.215371     0.467521
 -0.16728      -0.00114932   0.395176     0.934021     0.25557       0.597811       -0.172809     0.732959     0.324677     0.0483125    0.300463
 -0.561125     -0.394994     0.00133184   0.540176    -0.138275      0.203966       -0.566654     0.339115    -0.0691673   -0.345532    -0.093382
 -1.10098      -0.934844    -0.538519     0.00032562  -0.678125     -0.335884       -1.1065      -0.200736    -0.609018    -0.885383    -0.633232

due to the broadcast . Clearly not what you intended!

Thanks a lot! That made the code work. I was working under the wrong assumption that I would get an error if there were a dimensions mismatch.

You do if you use Flux.Losses.mse in your loss function. That said, I agree that it would be prudent for a high-level function such as train! to give a warning if the input shapes are likely not as intended.


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