Question about how to train a neural network using Flux.jl

I am trying to build a neural network that has about 200 Boolean features as inputs and I would like to train it against a regression output (so the y is continuous). I tried to setup the network like so

using Flux
model = Flux.Chain(
  Dense(14*16+4, 64, relu),
    Dense(64, 16, relu),
    Dense(16, 1, relu));

so I got 3 dense layers all activated by relu and now to test my understanding I just ran the x through the model

x = rand(Bool, 14*16+4)

so far so good but the below gives error

y = 100
loss(x,y) = (model(x) - y)^2

Flux.train!(loss, [(x,y)])
# Flux.train!(loss, [(x,y)], ADAM(...)) # this didn't work either

and the error is

MethodError: no method matching train!(::typeof(loss), ::Array{Tuple{Array{Bool,2},Array{Float64,1}},1})
Closest candidates are:
train!(::Any, ::Any, !Matched::Any; cb) at /home/jrun/.julia/packages/Flux/UHjNa/src/optimise/train.jl:56

[1] top-level scope at In[106]:1

This is after having browsed through the model zoo and I can’t seem to figure out how to do this simple neural network. I am doing a simple prototype of reinforcement learning, so being able to update the model is also important so would appreciate pointers to Flux.train! and Flux.update! and how to make them work

loss(x,y) needs to return a scalar:

using Flux
model = Flux.Chain(
    Dense(14*16+4, 64, relu),
    Dense(64, 16, relu),
    Dense(16, 1, relu));
x = rand(Bool, 14*16+4)
y = 100
loss(x,y) = sum((model(x) .- y).^2)
opt = ADAM(params(model))
Flux.@epochs 100 Flux.train!(loss, [(x,y)], opt)