I’m using GLM to calculate coefficients for logistic regression. I don’t recall this being an issue when I first developed this script, but recently, I’ve noticed that this script is generating a huge load on my server. The CPU usage goes up to 6000% in some cases as monitored through “top”. I’ve narrowed it down to one function as demonstrated in this MWE
df = DataFrame(:col1 => String[], :col2 => Bool[])
for i = 1:1000
push!(df, [randstring(1),Bool(rand(0:1))])
results = glm(@formula(col2 ~ col1), df, Binomial())
I presume that GLM is internally multi threading this calculation, but is there an option to limit the number of threads internally within GLM to prevent saturating the server resources?
I already have that set as threads 1 in the session that called this and it doesn’t seem to make a difference. I still see it go up to a huge number (just reran this test and it went up to 3000%)
Well, it’s using ~ half the available cores… if I had 2 cores and one of them was being used by Julia, I wouldn’t be worried. If i had 10 cores and 5 of them were in use by Julia… I wouldn’t be worried…
If I have 64 cores and 32 are being used by Julia… should I be worried? I mean, maybe you want to limit it further… sure… but it’s not really a “huge” load for such a server.
In any case, if it’s BLAS that’s the issue, you can use BLAS.set_num_threads() to limit its thread count.
Well if it’s doing it for a long time… I guess that’s an issue, if it’s doing it for a second, maybe not. Try to set the number of threads for BLAS and see if that helps.
julia> BLAS.set_num_threads(1)
ERROR: UndefVarError: BLAS not defined
I tried to add the BLAS package, but there is no BLAS package to add.
(@v1.8) pkg> add BLAS
Updating registry at `/prj/yeprd/server/julia/PKG/1.6/registries/General.toml`
ERROR: The following package names could not be resolved:
* BLAS (not found in project, manifest or registry)