Let’s write a @memoize f(x) = ... macro in Julia. Glossing over gensyms etc. it can just macroexpand into
memo = Dict()
f(x) = get(memo, x) do ... end
At the global scope memo will be a slow global variable, so let’s instead macroexpand to:
const memo = Dict()
f(x) = get(memo, x) do ... end
But oops, Julia doesn’t like const in the local scope. This won’t work to memoize a local function. Alright, let’s try
let memo = Dict()
f(x) = get(memo, x) do ... end
to make our Lisp fathers proud. But the funny rule here is that at the global scope, f’s name will be mangled to make it a local function unless it is prefixed with a module, like Main.f(x) = get(memo, x) do ... end. I could use @__MODULE__ to get that but, of course, it won’t work at the local scope.
It’s quite a frustrating situation. Memoize.jl uses eval in the macro code to get around it, which is evil in its own way. And Memoization.jl uses generated functions (!)
This shouldn’t be so hard! Did we all miss something obvious?
Ok, how about constructing the cache within the macro body itself and then closing over it in the generated code?
julia> macro memoize(f, body)
memo = Dict()
function $(esc(f))(x)
get!($memo, x) do
println("Cache miss")
@memoize (macro with 1 method)
julia> @memoize fib x -> begin
x <= 2 && return BigInt(1)
fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2)
fib (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> fib(1)
Cache miss
julia> fib(1)
julia> fib(5)
Cache miss
Cache miss
Cache miss
Cache miss
This macro results in a normal function definition, so you can extend it at global scope as desired:
julia> fib(x::Float64) = 1.0
fib (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> fib(5) # uses the memoized `fib`
julia> fib(5.0) # uses `fib(x::Float64)` method
and it also doesn’t leak anything into global scope when run from a local scope:
julia> let
@memoize foo x -> begin
x + 1
Cache miss
julia> foo # not defined because it was local to the `let` block
ERROR: UndefVarError: foo not defined
I’ve been a little lazy in requiring that the user split up the fib symbol from the x -> begin...end body, but you could parse that data out of a normal-looking function definition so that the macro works like:
Yes, that’s basically what Memoize.jl does, but it supports arbitrary AbstractDict, like @memoize LRUDict(...) foo(x) = ..., which is why it needs to eval in the containing module.
It fails for local functions because they all share the same cache, since the macro body is evaluated only once:
julia> g = []
for x in 1:10
@memoize f(y) = x+y)
julia> g[1](1)
julia> g[2](1)
Recently I have been avoiding the “magic” of macros where I think the explicit code is simple enough, and can benefit from customization: e.g. for memoizing:
local vs global scope
new function versus adding method to existing function (perhaps in another module)
typed Dict for caching
custom caching where cache value is function of argument
Is the fib example faster with typed Dict cache?
memo = Dict{Int,BigInt}()
global function fib2(x)
get!(memo, x) do
x <= 2 && return BigInt(1)
fib2(x-1) + fib2(x-2)
I suppose one could get around this problem by putting g inside of the key. Mostly, I’m annoyed by the eval. Lisp forefathers would disapprove, but maybe that’s one instance where it’s legitimate and necessary?