How to write a unit test for a conditional macro?

Hi, is there any way to invalidate the code of a macro? I have implemented a macro that depends on system environment. Now I’m trying to write a unit test for it. I’m able to delay macro code expansion by placing the first call inside eval/parseall. But I can’t force Julia to recompile the macro for the second state of the DEBUG_OUTPUT check.

Minimized code:

macro zc_get_id(title)
    return haskey(ENV, "DEBUG_OUTPUT") ?
        :(get_debug_id($(esc(title)))) :

Unit test now:

    @testset "zero cost disabled" begin
        ENV["DEBUG_OUTPUT"] = "log | dump"

            id = @zc_get_id "test"
            @test !isempty(id)

    @testset "zero cost enabled" begin
        delete!(ENV, "DEBUG_OUTPUT")

            id = @zc_get_id "test"
            @test isempty(id)

Inside the second eval, I have already compiled @zc_get_id for the case with the environment variable.

One of the workarounds I see - run a separate julia process for testing each branch of the macro. But not sure if this is a good idea.

(I’ve moved the topic to the General category since this is not a question about julias internals or its design)

As macros run at parse time, i.e. before the "DEBUG_OUTPUT" entry is deleted from ENV, it will always expand based on what ENV contains when the macro is expanded.

In general, I’d advise against making your macro dependent on such fickle global state; consider using a function that returns the expression in question instead and testing whether the returned expression is as you expect it to be, passing the environment variable into the function as an argument. That is much easier to test, while keeping the macro itself free from the global state.

As macros run at parse time, i.e. before the "DEBUG_OUTPUT" entry is deleted from ENV, it will always expand based on what ENV contains when the macro is expanded.

Therefore I separated changing of this variable and analysis/compiling with eval/parseall. But even after running parseall for the second time, I’m getting:

julia> @macroexpand @zc_get_id

So, Julia keeps previous code of the macro.

The reason why I decided to create this macro - be able to completely exclude from the prod-code any additional components.

The first variable/function based implementation is looking like:

    using DebugDataWriter

    # Enable adding trace info with the @info macro
    # Each record contains links to the source code and to the saved data file 
    DebugDataWriter.config().enable_log = true

    # Enable saving dumps of data structures
    DebugDataWriter.config().enable_dump = true

    id = get_debug_id("Some query")
    @debug_output id "some complex structure" ones(2, 3)
    @debug_output id "some complex structure" ones(2, 3) :HTML
    @debug_output id "some complex structure" ones(2, 3) :TXT

    # the lambda is executed when enable_dump == true
    @debug_output id "some data structure as a lambda" begin
        zeros(5, 2)

But the idea is to completely remove any additional checks. And this is really work but no idea how to cover it by a unit test.

E.g. a zero cost macro wrapper @zc_dout looks like:

macro zc_dout(debug_id, title, data_func)
    is_debug_output_enabled() || return

    return :(@debug_output($(esc(debug_id)), $(esc(title)), $(esc(data_func))))

So, no code if DEBUG_OUTPUT is not defined in a system environment.

I’m not sure what exactly you’re referring to - it works for me:

julia> macro zc_get_id(title)
           return haskey(ENV, "DEBUG_OUTPUT") ?
               :(get_debug_id($(esc(title)))) :
@zc_get_id (macro with 1 method)

julia> @macroexpand @zc_get_id "goo"

julia> ENV["DEBUG_OUTPUT"] = "bar"

julia> @macroexpand @zc_get_id "goo"

What could be happening is that the macro runs in a different world age when run through your eval/parse combo, but again, that’s best avoided (especially when dealing with macros).

Like I said above - if the environment variable is not defined in your production system, that macro should do what you intend it to do. For unit testing purposes, a construct like this (extracting the work the macro does into a function) should work, where you then test the output of that function:

julia> macro zc_get_id(title)
@zc_get_id (macro with 1 method)

julia> function macro_func(title)
           return haskey(ENV, "DEBUG_OUTPUT") ?
               :(get_debug_id($(esc(title)))) :
macro_func (generic function with 1 method)

julia> using Test

julia> @testset "all tests" begin
       @testset "zero cost disabled" begin
           ENV["DEBUG_OUTPUT"] = "log | dump"
           @test macro_func("test") != ""

       @testset "zero cost enabled" begin
           delete!(ENV, "DEBUG_OUTPUT")
           @test macro_func("test") == ""
Test Summary: | Pass  Total  Time
all tests     |    2      2  0.0s

The macro will still run at parse-time just the same:

julia> @macroexpand @zc_get_id "foo"

julia> ENV["DEBUG_OUTPUT"] = "bar"

julia> @macroexpand @zc_get_id "foo"

(The latter invocation is parsed after modifying ENV, hence expands to the longer version.)

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Ok, thanks, I found my mistake. Looks when I did a series of experiments, I mixed "" and nothing values. But here I shared the minimized code and lost this error.

At the same time, the following code is not working. I think because of the code of @zc_get_id was expanded before the assignment of the ENV.

@testset "check" begin
    ENV["DEBUG_OUTPUT"] = "log | dump"
    id = @zc_get_id "boo"
    @test !isempty(id)

    delete!(ENV, "DEBUG_OUTPUT")
    id = @zc_get_id "goo"
    @test isempty(id)

But this works with eval/parseall.

Regarding the macro_func as a function, this is a good idea. The only problem is that the macro itself is not covered by a unit test. So either macro_func and a typical set of test checks, or eval/parse with running the macro inside …

I’d advise you to use the same trick as ToggleableAsserts.jl, which I think originates from this discourse thread:

With this technique you explicitly toggle the behavior of your macro by redefining a function, which invalidates all code using the macro and forces a recompilation.

ToggleableAsserts show how easily such macros can be tested:

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You can always test the macro function – as a function creating expressions – by using macroexpand, i.e.,

@testset "zero cost disabled" begin
    ENV["DEBUG_OUTPUT"] = "log | dump"
    @test "" != @macroexpand Foo.@zc_get_id "test"

@testset "zero cost enabled" begin
    delete!(ENV, "DEBUG_OUTPUT")
    @test "" == @macroexpand Foo.@zc_get_id "test"

which should be rather similar to testing macro_func instead.