This would be a minimal working example, and indeed, LoopVectorization
does it already perfect. I am just conditioned by OpenMP by never putting parallel statements in front of a reduction loop. So I guess that closes my question.
## Packages
using BenchmarkTools
using LoopVectorization
## Reference kernel
function divergence_ref(
u, v, w,
is, ie, js, je, ks, ke)
divmax = 0
@inbounds for k in ks:ke
for j in js:je
for i in is:ie
div = u[i, j, k] + v[i, j, k] + w[i, j, k]
divmax = max(abs(div), divmax)
return divmax
## Reference kernel
function divergence(
u, v, w,
is, ie, js, je, ks, ke)
divmax = 0
@tturbo for k in ks:ke
for j in js:je
for i in is:ie
div = u[i, j, k] + v[i, j, k] + w[i, j, k]
divmax = max(abs(div), divmax)
return divmax
## User input
itot = 384; jtot = 384; ktot = 384;
igc = 1; jgc = 1; kgc = 1;
icells = itot + 2igc; jcells = jtot + 2jgc; kcells = ktot + 2kgc
is = igc+1; ie = igc+itot; js = jgc+1; je = jgc+jtot; ks = kgc+1; ke = kgc+ktot
u = rand(icells, jcells, kcells)
v = rand(icells, jcells, kcells)
w = rand(icells, jcells, kcells)
## Run reference kernel
div_ref = divergence_ref(
u, v, w,
is, ie, js, je, ks, ke)
@btime dummy = divergence_ref(
$u, $v, $w,
$is, $ie, $js, $je, $ks, $ke)
## Run fast kernel
div = divergence(
u, v, w,
is, ie, js, je, ks, ke)
@btime divergence(
$u, $v, $w,
$is, $ie, $js, $je, $ks, $ke)
## Compare results
println(div_ref, " ", div, " ", isapprox(div, div_ref))