I am trying to understand how to use SIMD.jl.
After trying the vadd!
example in the documentation I wanted use SIMD in a different example. No success so far.
This is what I would like to simdify:
function myfunc(a, b)
if a > b
return a - b
return a + b
x = rand(1_000_000);
# do myfunc.(x, 2.) with explicit simd calls
myfunc.(x, 2.)
I tried the following
function myfunc_simd(x::Vector{T}, value::T, ::Type{Vec{N,T}}) where {N, T}
@assert length(x) % N == 0
result = Array{T}(undef, length(x))
lane = VecRange{N}(0)
@inbounds for i in 1:N:length(x)
result[lane + i] += x[lane+i] > value ? x[k+lane] - value : x[k+lane] +value
But I gon an error
x = rand(Float32,1_000_000);
myfunc_simd(x, Float32(2.), Vec{8,Float32})
TypeError: non-boolean (Vec{8,Bool}) used in boolean context
Any ideas on how to do something like this?
Do you know about any tutorial containing examples using SIMD.jl ?
I have seen SIMD and SIMD-intrinsics in Julia | Kristoffer Carlsson , which is pretty awesome, but does not contain any example with “flag-boolean vectors” (masks) used to control an if-else statement like the one I have here.