I have a figure, say, saved at the path of “D:/1.svg” and want it to be opened via the “msedge.exe” browser in windows 11. The execution of “run(start D:/1.svg
)” throws error like this
However, I can directly open the figure via the Powershell
Any idea to tackle it?
To summarize: start
is probably not an executable but a powershell builtin. If this is the case there are two options:
- Find out how powershell translates this into calling an executable and then do that directly from Julia.
- Call powershell from Julia and instruct it to run the
(I’m not a Windows user so can’t help with any details how to do those things.)
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I just figured out one viable way like this:
run(`C:/“Program Files (x86)”/Microsoft/Edge/Application/msedge.exe D:/1.svg`)