I try to run a function with @span
and get some status back on the computation using e.g. a Channel before I get the end-result. The following code already works, but I am new to channels and I am wondering if there is a better way to do this.
@everywhere function myfun(chan)
put!(chan,"still computing")
put!(chan,"almost done")
return 42;
c = Channel{String}(100)
ff = @spawn myfun(c);
status = @fetchfrom ff.where take!(c) # returns "starting"
status = @fetchfrom ff.where take!(c) # returns "still computing"
status = @fetchfrom ff.where take!(c) # returns "almost done"
result = fetch(ff) # returns 42
Ideally I would like to let Julia choose a “free” process for computing the tasks (as opposed to make this choise myself with @spawnat