This is perhaps an overly simple question, but I haven’t been able to find a straightfoward answer for it. Now that Julia 1.3 supports spawning parallel tasks across multiple threads, can we do work stealing via those parallel tasks reading to/from shared (thread-safe) channels?
The dev docs currently say no, but the relevant page hasn’t been updated in while. If this is possible now, is it just a matter of replacing @async
with @spawn
when launching the tasks?
const jobs = Channel{Int}(32);
const results = Channel{Tuple{Int,Float64}}(32);
function do_work()
for job_id in jobs
result = sum(rand(i) for i in 1:1_000_000_000)
put!(results, (job_id, result))
function make_jobs(n)
for i in 1:n
put!(jobs, i)
n = 12
@async make_jobs(n) # feed the jobs channel with "n" jobs
for i in 1:4 # start 4 tasks to process requests in parallel
@spawn do_work() # not @async
while n > 0 # print out results
job_id, result = take!(results)
println("Job $job_id returned $result")
global n = n - 1