Hi @hhaensel
I was able to collect the filled information in Quasar and call functions in my REPL. So I can use Stipple as a GUI for my apps. The example is in the code below. Now all that’s missing is a way for the RELP to notify Quasar when the task is complete
using Stipple, StippleUI
using Genie, Genie.Router, Genie.Requests, Genie.Renderer.Json
const NO = StippleUI.NO_WRAPPER
Stipple.@kwdef mutable struct Example <: ReactiveModel
name::R{String} = ""
age::R{Int} = 0
send::R{Bool} = false # Lets you know when a button was clicked
model = Stipple.init(Example())
myform() = xelem(:div, class="q-pa-md", style="max-width: 400px", [
textfield("Your name *", :client_name,
hint="Name and surname",
rules = "[val => val && val.length > 0 || 'Please type something']"
numberfield("Your age *", :client_age,
val => val !== null && val !== '' || 'Please type your age',
val => val > 0 && val < 100 || 'Please type a real age'
toggle("I accept the license and terms", :accept, wrap=NO),
btn("Submit", type="submit", color="primary", wrap=NO)
btn("Reset", type="reset", color="primary", :flat, class="q-ml-sm", wrap=NO)
], @on(:submit, "onSubmit"), @on(:reset, "onReset"), class="q-gutter-md", wrap=NO)
import Stipple.js_methods
# The row: this.send = true; ==>> Lets you know when a button was clicked
js_methods(m::Example) = raw"""
onSubmit () {
if (this.accept !== true) {
color: 'red-5',
textColor: 'white',
icon: 'warning',
message: 'You need to accept the license and terms first'
else {
color: 'green-4',
textColor: 'white',
icon: 'cloud_done',
message: 'Submitted'
this.name = this.client_name;
this.age = this.client_age;
this.send = true;
onReset () {
this.client_name = null
this.client_age = null
this.accept = false
import Stipple.client_data
client_data(m::Example) = client_data(client_name = js"null", client_age = js"null", accept = false)
function ui()
page(vm(model), class="container", title="Hello Stipple",
onbutton(model.send) do # Allows you to call some function and collect data
println("Do something")
model.send[] = false
route("/", ui)