How to update JuMP

I’m with JuMP v0.18.6 and I want to update to v0.21, but whenever I try the following message appears:

julia> Pkg.update ("JuMP")
    Updating registry at `C: \ Users \ raquel.santos \ .julia \ registries \ General`
    Updating registry at `C: \ Users \ raquel.santos \ .julia \ registries \ JuliaComputingRegistry`
No Changes to `C: \ Users \ raquel.santos \ .julia \ environments \ JuliaPro_v1.5.2-1 \ Project.toml`
No Changes to `C: \ Users \ raquel.santos \ .julia \ environments \ JuliaPro_v1.5.2-1 \ Manifest.toml`

What should I do to be able to update the pck?

You likely have another package preventing JuMP from updating.

You can see which via ] add JuMP@0.21. Then read:

The solution is to use a package environment 4. Working with Environments · Pkg.jl so you don’t have these conflicts.

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I add the JuMP@0.21 and it worked. Thanks

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