Help: Problem in updating JuMP from 0.15.1 to 0.18.0


I am a new user of Julia.
I have the Julia 0.6.2 and JuMP 0.15.1
However, I would like to update JuMP to version 0.18.0 but I have a problem to do it.
I received this>

julia> Pkg.update(“JuMP”)
INFO: Computing changes…
INFO: Package JuMP was set to version 0.15.1, but a higher version 0.18.0 exists.
** To install the latest version, you could try doing a full update with Pkg.update().**
INFO: No packages to install, update or remove

And, I did the suggestion:

INFO: Freeing JuMP
INFO: Downgrading JuMP: v0.18.0 => v0.15.1

After that, I try to update JuMP but I couldn’t update it:

julia> Pkg.update(“JuMP”)
INFO: Computing changes…
INFO: Package JuMP was set to version 0.15.1, but a higher version 0.18.0 exists.
** To install the latest version, you could try doing a full update with Pkg.update().**
INFO: No packages to install, update or remove

Likewise, I noticed with Pkg.status() that JuMP have a Master label. What’s the mean?

julia> Pkg.status()
19 required packages:
** - AmplNLWriter 0.4.0**
** - BARON 0.2.0**
** - CPLEX 0.3.1**
** - Cbc 0.3.2**
** - Clp 0.3.1**
** - CoinOptServices 0.3.0**
** - Compat 0.51.0**
** - ECOS 0.8.0**
** - GLPK 0.4.2**
** - Gurobi 0.3.3**
** - IJulia 1.6.2**
** - Ipopt 0.2.6**
** - JuMP 0.15.1**
** - KNITRO 0.3.1**
** - Mosek 0.7.3**
** - NLopt 0.3.6**
** - SCS 0.3.3**
** - Xpress 0.4.0**
** - ZMQ 0.5.1**
21 additional packages:
** - BinDeps 0.8.6**
** - BufferedStreams 0.3.3**
** - Calculus 0.2.2**
** - Conda 0.7.1**
** - DataStructures 0.7.4**
** - DiffBase 0.2.0**
** - ForwardDiff 0.3.4**
** - JSON 0.16.4**
** - Lazy 0.12.0**
** - LibExpat 0.4.1**
** - Libz 0.2.4**
** - LightXML 0.5.0**
** - MacroTools 0.4.0**
** - MathProgBase 0.5.10**
** - MbedTLS 0.5.5**
** - NaNMath 0.3.0**
** - Nullables 0.0.3**
** - ReverseDiffSparse 0.6.0**
** - SHA 0.5.6**
** - URIParser 0.3.0**
** - WinRPM 0.3.1**

Please, I need some help.
How can I do?